Understanding Your Inner Blueprint

Understanding Your Inner Blueprint

Up My Influence Ep.#654 Understanding Your Inner Blueprint


Understanding your purpose is the first step to success. Your human design blueprint help business owners discover potential within themselves, imagine future scenarios and strategically navigate obstacles.

I’m so excited to be sharing how human design can empower developers, product managers, business owners, aspiring creatives, moms who want remote careers, or entrepreneurs in solving their business problems. Also as Human Design Artist, I’m personally encouraging clients to take charge of their careers with a process that allows them to pinpoint what’s blocking success and helps business owners align all organizational processes with their company’s greater purpose.

If you’ve you ever asked yourself, “What’s my life purpose? How do I make meaningful contributions to society?” If so, then pay attention because this might be a game changer for you! Myself and my team have over 15 years of experience in the individualistic blueprint of human design, growth and high performance. We know a lot about you if you are interested in speaking with leaders who serve to inspire (not motivate).

You are probably here because you have problems beyond solutions; issues that seem to be repeating themselves over and over again, some that you may have been grappling with for years, wondering why you can be so successful in some areas of life but cannot attain this same kind of success in every area of business, life, relationships, etc. But there is a solution!

What are the key discoveries in Human Design? What improvements from understanding the Human Design system will you experience in my business? How do entrepreneurs get started with Human Design for their business, other businesses and themselves?

There is more to being understood than you have previously experienced. Human Design is a system that can reveal so many things, your purpose in life, why and how others relate to you as they do, why patterns with prominent relationships seems to repeat again and again, why you cannot get your money right or keep commitments to yourself or your family.

This isn’t a sales pitch. This is literally your purpose in life, or your career blueprint. You see you can solve complex problems using human design. These ancient system bridges the gap created by complexity so we all win and achieve our goals. How is this possible? We are masterful problem solvers with incredible foresight — being able to look at any situation and take advantage of opportunities others missed is all unveiled when diving deep into your human design blueprint with a certified expert like me.

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Affirm Intentions to Fix Common Manifesting Mistakes

Affirm Intentions to Fix Common Manifesting Mistakes

Common Manifestation Mistakes–Affirm Intentions to Fix Them

To understand why it’s important to affirm your intentions to correct common manifestation mistakes, let’s begin with what is this thing we’ve been hearing about lately: manifesting? “Manifesting,” or the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real, has never been more popular: From late March to mid-July of 2020, Google searches for the term skyrocketed 669%; “Shut up I’m manifesting” is among the defining memes of our day.  

Manifesting can also be surprisingly mathematical. There are special numbers associated with it — 1111 and 444 are “angel numbers” sent from the universe — as well as special sound frequencies for manifesting specific wants (528 hertz is the “love frequency”).

affirm, affirmations, positive affirmations, Manifestation, manifest, manifesting, Manifestation coach, purpose coach, life coach, lifestyle coach

Aspirations with the effort and cognition that doing so in the proper way can lead to positive outcomes one should affirm regularly

There are manifesting-adjacent emoji (the Nazar Amulet, which in many cultures’ folklore is believed to ward off the evil eye, is a favorite) and guides on how to create your own sigils, a personal motif often used in witchcraft. Perhaps the time has come to cut through the malarkey, get to what is actually happening, and decide for ourselves about this thing called manifesting.

Since manifesting can be understood as making aspirations with the effort and cognition that doing so in the proper way can lead to positive outcomes, the next logical question is “What are affirmations?”  Affirmations refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.

Be specific and proportionate

Going about making your affirmations need not be riddled with complications, but going about it with some guidance is a good way to start. For instance, someone might say to herself that she wishes to be rich and try to affirm that idea.

Well, the problem is that that kind of idea is very big and very vague. So instead of manifesting the affirmation that she will be rich, she might do a bit of prep work and decide what rich actually means–what it entails specifically, as well as what the steps might be to get to that goal.

She might even decide to explore what aspects of being rich she expects to most enjoy. But handled with care and forethought, affirmations can be exceedingly wonderful.

Affirmations help!

As Tad Lusk reminds us, affirmations can help us:

  • Build confidence
  • Overcome stress and anxiety
  • Empower yourself to take action
  • Shift your mood from “meh” to “awesome”
  • Improve your perspective
  • Manifest goals for health, wealth, love and happiness (https://bit.ly/3JN62iL)

The best things to remember are that you need to keep things simple, keep things in the present tense, keep things positive, and of course feel the emotion.

Affirm specifically, affirm in present tense, affirm in the positive and Feel It!

Keeping things simple? Yes, don’t write a James Joyce novel with a thousand pages of stream of consciousness before you get around to what it is you actually want. An affirmation should be only one or two short sentences, easy to remember and easy to verbalize.

Keep things in the present tense? This isn’t eighth grade English class, but the first person singular is the only way to go. Instead of “I hope” or “I plan to” try “I am,” as in “I am going to have a day free of pain.” 

Keep things positive? Indeed. What this means is that you want to say “I am energized” rather than “I don’t want to feel fatigued.”

Feel the emotion? Certainement! As you make your affirmation, imagine that it has just come to fruition and as you say it, feel how great it feels. 

Those are the Do’s. There are also some don’ts. And they are just as vital.

Remember just a minute ago when I mentioned that you ought to let yourself feel the glory of the feeling of having what you want during the process of making your affirmation? Well, that is sound advice. While it is crucial that you understand the meaning of the words you speak, the emphasis should be more on the emotional content than the literal.

Keep things in the present tense. . . again. It is easy to slip into projecting into the future. “When I get to the point where. . . “ is changing your affirmation into a hypothetical and that can cancel it out.

Be precise. While you do not want to get bogged down in a morass of words and conceptions, you do need to avoid conditional statements and qualifiers. These are basically the same two things. When you say, “If Irving invites me to the dance, then I. . .” that is conditional: If this, then that. On the other hand, when you say “After the plane lands, then we will have rhubarb pie,” you are adding qualifiers you don’t need. Just have the pie!

Do not frame things in the negative. Instead of saying “I hope I don’t have that ache in my right elbow again today,” try instead “I am going to experience a healed and functional elbow today.”

Please do not make affirmations for things that do not actually matter to you. That might sound absurd, but you would be surprised how easy it is to get this wrong. If you are not invested in your affirmation emotionally and are instead just going through the motions (or worse yet, affirming something that you have internal resistance to), it is an empty exercise and will not work. Feeling is the language of the subconscious mind and what helps to truly install a belief, so you have to genuinely feel it.

Here is an example: Someone you respect tells you affirmations are great and that you ought to try them. Figuring you have nothing to lose, you decide you will give affirmations a try so that you can transform your life. But you are not totally committed to the idea that affirmations can really make a difference. As a result, you end up going through the motions and getting nowhere. You don’t take the time to identify your weaknesses and target your affirmations specifically to address these. Instead, you find some affirmation examples online that seem to fit the bill. You copy these for your list of affirmations.

Here is another example of the wrong approach. Some people actually want their affirmations to fail and–surprise!–that is just what happens. But why would anyone want an affirmation to fail? Perhaps a fellow thinks that he wants to quit smoking. He knows the cigarettes are killing him, everyone he knows has quit and his friends bug him so much about it there’s hardly any fun left in it for him.

So he affirms that today his lungs will be smoke free. And he fails. He fails miserably. He doesn’t even get out of the driveway before he lights up–not because he is a bad person or because he is delusional about the horrors of smoking cigarettes but simply because he is not fully committed to quitting. Without that commitment–about whatever the matter might be–you can affirm until you are red, white or blue in the face and none of it will matter. 

The important thing to keep in mind is that when other people tell you manifesting affirmations do not work, what that means is that they either have not tried them themselves or else likely went about the process unprepared. I hope this little guide helps prepare you.

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Purpose in Business | Human Design Helps

Purpose in Business | Human Design Helps

Express Your Purpose in Business with the Help of Human Design

Once clear on Purpose you have the power and precision to take on issues that used to overwhelm you with disempowering judgments

Do you ever feel like all the right answers exist deep within, but you just can’t find them? Do you spend a lot of time reacting to each curve ball life throws at you instead of responding with grace and ease?

How would it be if there were powerful tools available that have been scientifically proven to help facilitate change in your life without a struggle on your part, without having to try very hard or give up something else to make room for this new change.

Imagine being able to be in alignment with all aspects of yourself. Imagine having huge shifts which create a NEW way of living for yourself, no matter what you are striving toward.

Human Design can help heal your life and unleash resources within you that have been trapped. This is truly remarkable stuff. Human Design has been quietly passed down from generation to generation. It’s more than 5000 years old…. but today it’s only known by very few people! Now is the time for this ancient knowledge to shine in the modern day world again!

Purpose coaching with Melissa is all about integrating human design into your life and using Thetahealing® as well as other modalities to build a unique path to the success you seek.

You were born with a personal design to succeed. This Inner Blueprint is amazing and astounding when we learn how to see the divine intention inside us. Yet, for many this intention-to-succeed remains entirely . . . intended rather than lived! And so the chance at greatness slips through our grasp without knowing what happened or how it could’ve been different had we just heard that clear direction of success within ourselves.

Not being aligned to your purpose can cause stress in attracting the life you’d actually love. Align yourself with what matters, find your passion, be clear about your values and direct bulletproof results that sets you free from any distractions which hold you back from thriving as a business professional. The possibilities are endless!!

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How To Be Happy: 5 Things You Forgot from Kindergarten

How To Be Happy: 5 Things You Forgot from Kindergarten

How To Be Happy: 5 Things You Forgot from Kindergarten

I used to ask a friend of mine, someone very close to me, someone whose opinion and insights have always meant more to me than most, someone who I hope I may have in some way taught as much as I learned from–I used to ask her on occasion what it was that she most wanted out of life. The first couple times I asked this she answered the same way. She said, “I want to be happy.”

I cannot tell you how that used to drive me crazy, simply because of what I interpreted as its lack of precision, its lack of–I don’t know–worldliness. I would grumble, as I was wont to do in those days, and I would say something akin to “Of course, you want to be happy. Everybody wants to be happy. Hitler wanted to be happy. But there is more to life, you know? Don’t you want to discover some new species of plant or find a solar system no one has ever seen or paint a masterpiece?”

happy, happiness, succees, succeed, joy, enlightenment

It is okay to be happy! In fact, it is your entirely up to you to be happy!

Then one afternoon this young woman of whom I am so fond that I call her God’s little gift of sunshine looked up from her food at the restaurant where we were having lunch and seemingly out of the blue smiled at me and said, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being happy.”

She was right. 

She often is. 

My question had bugged her just as her answer had bugged me and neither bug had quite managed to let go. 

And for some reason at that exact moment I flashed on the cover of that book by Robert Fulghum: All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.(https://bit.ly/3rbeDmX)

It started out like this: “All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School.” And it ended like this: “And it is still true, no matter how old you are–when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.”

Personal responsibility and accountabilty

I remember other admonitions from that book, that book first published in 1986, so long ago and far away. He wrote:

  1. Share everything.
  2. Play fair.
  3. Don’t hit people.
  4. Put things back where you found them.
  5. Clean up your own mess.
  6. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.

Do those things equate with that seemingly fleeting commodity we call happiness? I believe they can.

I have forgotten which number this next one was, but I suspect it may have been the real keynote of the book: “Live a balanced life — learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.”

Let’s talk self contained joy!

What does that mean, I remember wondering at the time. Truth is, it can mean different things to different people.

But throughout the years since I first thought about it, I have come to think of that balance as a form of self-contained happiness.

I like that expression: self-contained happiness.

Most of the time that balance, that sense of happiness comes from some form of spiritual self-care. A smart person named Rachelle Williams wrote about that subject a while back. (https://bit.ly/3eT1LMj)

Now Ms Williams is a mighty smart woman and my impression is that she is not only living her own version of a balanced life but that she is happy doing it.

I said all that to say this: She has developed ten spiritual self-care tips and I’d enjoy sharing them with you now.

Spiritual self care tips and practices to assist you to be happy every single day

  1. Practice yoga. Yoga is about more than a rainbow mat and sweatpants. Yoga is a means of bringing the mind, body and spirit into harmony. The practice of yoga actually enables a less judgmental, more accepting and tolerant set pf life choices.
  2. Meditation. The fact is that meditation is easy, it is accessible, and the rewards include stress reduction and clearer connections to what you are and what you want, especially if what you want is happiness.
  3. Mindful walking. Walking is a unique activity that permits us to pause our lives and exist in the present moment. Fresh air, the feel of the pavement, the smell of the grass and trees all nourish the senses in ways that nothing else can do.
  4. Clear your space. Whether it’s the power of scent to uplift or the intention of clearing negative energy, it works.
  5. Connect with the community. As Aristotle said, “The only beings that can live alone are monsters and gods.” I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you are neither of those. In that event, the exchange of ideas, the laughter, the camaraderie have rewards beyond the obvious. They can help us to persevere.
  6. Journaling. Yes, to journal is now a verb. Journaling is another way to tap into the deep recesses of your mind and heart. The act of writing sifts and processes thoughts and emotions. Problems, worries, and negative emotions can crowd the mind and dampen your spirit. Get it all down on paper and see what happens.
  7. Read inspiring material. Everyone has their own idea of what that sentence means. For some people, it might mean a Holy book. For others, it could mean an instruction manual. Williams cites a few fine examples: The Four Agreements by Don Migiel Ruiz; Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change by Pema Chodron; The Joy of Living by Eric Swanson; and The Ten Commitments by David Simon. 
  8. Be in nature. Take time as often as you can to spend time in nature, even if it’s just a few minutes sitting by a tree. 
  9. Unplug from technology. There is a great scene in the TV show “Curb Your Enthusiasm” where Larry David loses his Blackberry phone with all his contacts in it. Naturally, Larry freaks out for the sake of the episode. But how many of us have perhaps silently yearned for a time when we did not feed our addiction to Facebook or our smartphones. The good news is we can, every day, at least for a brief time. The rewards are amazing.
  10. Practice forgiveness. “I get burned, therefore I am.” Welcome to the world. Much energy is diverted to maintaining a grudge or similar when that energy could instead be directed toward creating the life you want. There are techniques to help you through this process; the freedom and lightness you will feel can be life changing.

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Create a Success Mindset Using the Law of Attraction

Create a Success Mindset Using the Law of Attraction

Creating a Success Mindset + Using Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Desires


I’m a teacher! I teach success mindset + the subconscious mind = success and peace of mind. Change your thought process = create different results!

I was so honored to be invited on the Feminine Frequency Podcast with Amy Natalie! Please be sure to connect with Amy or find her on Instagram!  In episode 180,  we talked about my journey, then we got into looking for purpose and finding an empowering mindset!

Then we got into the joy of being rewarded by the universe, manifesting and letting go of the patterns from your past, and the quickest way to start the journey to be the best version of you. It was so fun to share all about manifestation, human design, astrology and creating a unique path for your dreams!


Top Quotes form this Interview:

“No one’s responsible for your happiness but you”
“You can change your reality. You really have the power to do it.”

As a professionally trained Master Manifestation Coach, I am on a mission to bring greater wealth, prosperity and abundance into people’s lives. My clients benefit from a blend of coaching techniques with positive psychology modalities that help uncover limiting self-beliefs that hold them back so they can identify abundance blocks due to past experiences or false beliefs about money and success that aren’t true any longer.

Most people might not realize this, but the way we think is more than just a set of thoughts. The thoughts we have and how long these thoughts stay in our mind are responsible for influencing our emotions and impacting the decisions that come out of them. This set of same factors ultimately determine whether or not you grow financially or simply live from paycheck to paycheck without ever reaching your true financial or career success goals!

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