Energy: 7 Fun Facts About Spiritual Energy & Energy Work

Energy: 7 Fun Facts About Spiritual Energy & Energy Work

7 Facts About Energy & Energy Work

Energy. Hmmm. Trying to remember.

Fact one: Even the basic scientific or lexicon definition of “energy” is spiritual.

Remember way back in school when you learned about the three laws of energy (sometimes known as thermodynamics)? For reasons that will become clear in a few moments, we are going to take a very quick review of that triad of Newtonian truisms, at least as they relate to the present world.

Objection! Your Honor, what is the relevance of this dalliance down the path of school day lore? Your Honor, the relevance will soon become apparent. Objection overruled, subject to connection.

& fun facts about energy and energy work

Everything in the universe is made of energy. Therefore, human beings are energy!

The First Law of Energy: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.  This means that you can’t make energy out of nothing— the total amount of energy in the universe is a constant.

The Second Law of Energy: When we use an energy source it is not destroyed but enters a more disordered state.  This makes the energy less available to us and in converting the energy to power means some loss. The point? Entropy is real.

The Third Law of Energy: This law is that everything comes to a stop only when the temperature is at −273.15°C on the Celsius scale. This equates to −459.67°F.  This is called absolute zero and is where the entropy measurement is 0, (Zero).

The relevance of this introductory digression is obvious: Energy is spiritual as well as scientific. Believers consider spiritual energy to be of a different type than those known to science, and therapies involved are often classed as alternative medicine. Various ideas pertaining to spiritual energy have been postulated in various cultures. Though there are varying approaches, energy therapies are typically based on the premise that – on a fundamental level – everything in the universe is made of energy. From this perspective, human beings are also fundamentally energy.

Fact #2: Personal energy is an amazingly misunderstood aspect of our lives.

When it comes to the purpose of life, there are many different points of view. However, if we simply had to narrow the options down to two, we could say there is a Western and an Eastern point of view. The Western perspective is that life ends up as a destination, a set of moral practices to define goals of achievement. Western lifestyle often tends to use goals to shape a person’s life.

The East, on the other hand, has no goals, as such. The eastern philosophy of Taoism stresses that living itself forms a person rather than any purpose. The teachings of Taoism embrace the journey of living as the very meaning of life. In Taoism (which you may also see written or hear spoken as Daoism), the purpose of life is inner peace and harmony.The central concept of tao can be understood to describe a spiritual reality, the order of the universe, or the way of modern life in harmony with the former two. 

Whereas Western teachings tend to take as a solution to a crisis as a “Walk it off” reality–meaning that people who are suffering have clearly brought their

problems on themselves and are thus capable with ease of working through those problems by staying focused on their goals–the Taoist point of view has value for anyone experiencing a type of crisis.

Remember we talked about Tolstoy’s view of change in an earlier post? 

There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one; the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution going to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.

Tolstoy would have made a fine Taoist.

When a person channels all their energy into fixing the larger world: it leaves little space for personal development. Trying to fix the world directly can for all purposes be considered to be endless. As a result, taking a path as a pure social reformer leaves little room for personal development. Taoism instead focuses a person on a path of self-exploration first. In this way, a person can better focus their energy and time to understand their nature and how it connects outward to the larger world.

Everything Is Energy. Everything Is Spiritual. So Energy Is Spiritual Energy!

Fact three: Some energy is yet to be measured.

Spiritual Energy is the loving, clear, pure, primordial emanation that allows things to exist. Soon, this energy will be universally recognized as a basic level for the organization of all things. This energy is found everywhere around us, but each entity receives it by its own vibration. Science doesn’t have the means to detect it yet or the ability to measure it. Individuals also experience a relationship between natural energy and spirituality in personal ways. Some people feel a spiritual energy within their own passions, motivations, conscience–or even their dreams—which guides them in their life. For example, the Mirrar People of Australia identify their dreams and waking visions as inner sources of spiritual energy. Many religions of the world call the source of this embodied, spiritual energy a “soul.” (

Fact four: Energy really is everything. And everything is spiritual.

Science teaches that energy comes in six forms: chemical, electrical, radiant, mechanical, thermal and nuclear. We might add to that list  a few of our own: kinetic, potential, gravitational, sound, light, elastic, electromagnetic and more. And all of these are all spiritual. 

Spiritual energy means the inexhaustible energy of the Spirit- or Soul. 

Fact five: We can feel personal/emotional or spiritual energy!

People feel the subtle energy all the time, but they are not aware of it because each one of us feels them differently. Not everyone feels this energy as a physical symptom. Some people perceive it as a light, others as a color or a sound and some feel it as an energetical manifestation. In order to notice these subtle energies, you must know that spiritual energy exists.

Fact six: We can use the five Spiritual Powers to heal spiritual energy.

  1. Faith. Think of faith not so much as a coercive religious force, but rather an innocence of conviction, an open heart that is not afraid to trust, and so can move beyond the known. It senses the possibility of transcendence—that what seems to be, isn’t all there is. It senses that there’s some profound human possibility to be realized, even though it’s not immediately apparent.
  2. Effort. Energy comes first and effort channels it. Effort is how things get done.
  3. Mindfulness. You hear this term a lot, yet you may not be clear on what it is. Mindfulness is the observing power of the mind, the active aspect of awareness. Mindful­ness means not forgetting to pay attention, not forgetting to be aware of whatever is happening within us, around us, from moment to moment to moment. 
  4. Concentration. Concentration can be thought of as “one-pointed attention.” In the context of insight meditation, it is steady, one-pointed attention upon a succession of changing objects. Concentration keeps attention pinned down upon whatever object mindfulness is noticing. 
  5. Wisdom. What a great word. Wisdom is the ongoing inspiration for the other four spiritual powers. Wisdom is insight into reality, that is, insight into the nature of things as they are. (

Fact seven: Energy healing is safe and natural.

People have been studying the body’s energy centers for thousands of years. Indeed, energy healing is based on scientific principles. As such, anyone can benefit from energy healing. Many types of energy healing modalities exist, such as acupuncture, reflexology and massage. That being the case, it is often practical to maintain energy health either at home or nearby. (

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How To Be Happy: 5 Things You Forgot from Kindergarten

How To Be Happy: 5 Things You Forgot from Kindergarten

How To Be Happy: 5 Things You Forgot from Kindergarten

I used to ask a friend of mine, someone very close to me, someone whose opinion and insights have always meant more to me than most, someone who I hope I may have in some way taught as much as I learned from–I used to ask her on occasion what it was that she most wanted out of life. The first couple times I asked this she answered the same way. She said, “I want to be happy.”

I cannot tell you how that used to drive me crazy, simply because of what I interpreted as its lack of precision, its lack of–I don’t know–worldliness. I would grumble, as I was wont to do in those days, and I would say something akin to “Of course, you want to be happy. Everybody wants to be happy. Hitler wanted to be happy. But there is more to life, you know? Don’t you want to discover some new species of plant or find a solar system no one has ever seen or paint a masterpiece?”

happy, happiness, succees, succeed, joy, enlightenment

It is okay to be happy! In fact, it is your entirely up to you to be happy!

Then one afternoon this young woman of whom I am so fond that I call her God’s little gift of sunshine looked up from her food at the restaurant where we were having lunch and seemingly out of the blue smiled at me and said, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being happy.”

She was right. 

She often is. 

My question had bugged her just as her answer had bugged me and neither bug had quite managed to let go. 

And for some reason at that exact moment I flashed on the cover of that book by Robert Fulghum: All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.(

It started out like this: “All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School.” And it ended like this: “And it is still true, no matter how old you are–when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.”

Personal responsibility and accountabilty

I remember other admonitions from that book, that book first published in 1986, so long ago and far away. He wrote:

  1. Share everything.
  2. Play fair.
  3. Don’t hit people.
  4. Put things back where you found them.
  5. Clean up your own mess.
  6. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.

Do those things equate with that seemingly fleeting commodity we call happiness? I believe they can.

I have forgotten which number this next one was, but I suspect it may have been the real keynote of the book: “Live a balanced life — learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.”

Let’s talk self contained joy!

What does that mean, I remember wondering at the time. Truth is, it can mean different things to different people.

But throughout the years since I first thought about it, I have come to think of that balance as a form of self-contained happiness.

I like that expression: self-contained happiness.

Most of the time that balance, that sense of happiness comes from some form of spiritual self-care. A smart person named Rachelle Williams wrote about that subject a while back. (

Now Ms Williams is a mighty smart woman and my impression is that she is not only living her own version of a balanced life but that she is happy doing it.

I said all that to say this: She has developed ten spiritual self-care tips and I’d enjoy sharing them with you now.

Spiritual self care tips and practices to assist you to be happy every single day

  1. Practice yoga. Yoga is about more than a rainbow mat and sweatpants. Yoga is a means of bringing the mind, body and spirit into harmony. The practice of yoga actually enables a less judgmental, more accepting and tolerant set pf life choices.
  2. Meditation. The fact is that meditation is easy, it is accessible, and the rewards include stress reduction and clearer connections to what you are and what you want, especially if what you want is happiness.
  3. Mindful walking. Walking is a unique activity that permits us to pause our lives and exist in the present moment. Fresh air, the feel of the pavement, the smell of the grass and trees all nourish the senses in ways that nothing else can do.
  4. Clear your space. Whether it’s the power of scent to uplift or the intention of clearing negative energy, it works.
  5. Connect with the community. As Aristotle said, “The only beings that can live alone are monsters and gods.” I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you are neither of those. In that event, the exchange of ideas, the laughter, the camaraderie have rewards beyond the obvious. They can help us to persevere.
  6. Journaling. Yes, to journal is now a verb. Journaling is another way to tap into the deep recesses of your mind and heart. The act of writing sifts and processes thoughts and emotions. Problems, worries, and negative emotions can crowd the mind and dampen your spirit. Get it all down on paper and see what happens.
  7. Read inspiring material. Everyone has their own idea of what that sentence means. For some people, it might mean a Holy book. For others, it could mean an instruction manual. Williams cites a few fine examples: The Four Agreements by Don Migiel Ruiz; Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change by Pema Chodron; The Joy of Living by Eric Swanson; and The Ten Commitments by David Simon. 
  8. Be in nature. Take time as often as you can to spend time in nature, even if it’s just a few minutes sitting by a tree. 
  9. Unplug from technology. There is a great scene in the TV show “Curb Your Enthusiasm” where Larry David loses his Blackberry phone with all his contacts in it. Naturally, Larry freaks out for the sake of the episode. But how many of us have perhaps silently yearned for a time when we did not feed our addiction to Facebook or our smartphones. The good news is we can, every day, at least for a brief time. The rewards are amazing.
  10. Practice forgiveness. “I get burned, therefore I am.” Welcome to the world. Much energy is diverted to maintaining a grudge or similar when that energy could instead be directed toward creating the life you want. There are techniques to help you through this process; the freedom and lightness you will feel can be life changing.

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About Ascension: Four Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask

About Ascension: Four Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask

Four Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask about Ascension

Question One: Have I lost my ever-loving mind?

One never knows for sure these days, but chances are that no, no, you are not. Odds are you are just becoming (perhaps painfully) aware of what we call The Shift of Ascension. It is all part of the spiritual awakening process.

Ascension. What is it? You’ve heard the expressions 5D and Spiritual Awakening, but what is all this? 

Ascension is a process. In fact, it is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. When this happens, you may experience some ascension symptoms.

Ascension, mind body spirit, mindset, mindset coach, soul, spirituality, transform your life, transformation

Ascension begins when we can identify layered emotions, we respond kindly with wisdom. Ascension allows you to discover your nature and feed it!

Around the calendar year of 2010, the fourth dimensional level of reality (time) was reached and since then we as members of this universe have been in a state of preparing for 5D or the dimensional reality of spirit.

But what do we mean by a higher level of consciousness? The world is changing and you are likely changing right along with it. To reach this higher level of consciousness, you have to integrate what I like to think of as seven components of getting there. First, take care of your body. Be true to yourself and listen to what your body needs nutritionally. Discover your nature and feed it.

Second, you must develop your senses. The world around you is merely a vibration of energy on a certain frequency. Once you enhance your ability to sense what is actually going on, you start to interact with that energy field and develop what you might call a sixth sense, one that allows you to see what is really happening. 

A blend of empathy and emotional intelligence is the third component. When we can layer and identify our various emotions, we can begin to respond accordingly and with wisdom.

Your worldview is the fourth component. If you want to be successful in the 21st century, your worldview needs to take into account and accept the benefits of meditation, the existence of chakras (see “Physics Behind the 7 Chakra System and Where Chakra Energy Comes From”), the human aura, and other related concepts.

Karma, they say, is a bitch. On the contrary, Leo Tolstoy wrote in his work Three Methods of Reform, something quite prescient about karma. He wrote: “There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one; the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

The sixth component is the whole of the values you possess. Your values are perhaps best represented by the people, places and things you love most.

And the final component is the discovery of the mission of your higher purpose and then to consciously take charge of your life and live it under the guidance of your higher self.

Question Two: But wait . . . Is this even real?

Some people call them Kundalini awakenings and, yes, they are quite real. Kundalini is Sanskrit for “coiled snake,” and it refers to the often dormant energy coiled at the base of the spine. When it awakens, you will know something is happening. (

Sarah Regan describes signs you are experiencing a Kundalini awakening:

  • feel a freedom from both your own ego and the material world.
  • feel euphoria commingled with a sense of peace.
  • desert ideas of duality, understanding each person creates her own reality.
  • recognize your being as a part of the unified whole.
  • know that to love yourself is to love the whole and vice versa.
  • can now witness, observe and discern.
  • remember past events, but are no longer traumatized by them.
  • feel a sense of polymorphous perversity: a feeling of pleasure across the totality of your body.
  • experience profound insights.become clear and creativity surges.
  • body may shake and you might feel heat in your spine.
  • may have trouble sleeping.

Question Three: Are there actual physical symptoms?

Oh yes, grasshopper. There are indeed. You might very well feel intense energy, a sense of disorientation, being awake throughout the night juxtaposed with long periods of sleep, forgetting things, remembering things you had forgotten, extended fatigue, loss of appetite, ravenous appetite, vivid dreams, night sweats and more. (

These physical changes or symptoms are real and should not be ignored. These changes might be in the form of aches and pains.

Common areas to hold tension and resistance are the neck and shoulders, throat, and jaw. These symptoms may be happening to you because you feel like you are carrying a heavy burden or maybe because (let’s face it) you are afraid to voice your thoughts for fear of what others might think. ( .

You need not just give up and accept these physical changes, however. Gosh, no! There are many things you can do to help ease or even alleviate these “growing pains.” Meditate, practice yoga or Reiki, get a massage or a spiritual cleansing, do a chakra meditation or a simple salt bath.

Why is ascension so uncomfortable? How can something so “spiritual” be so uncomfortable?

Question four: Why is something spiritual so uncomfortable physically?

One reason why is that waking up is not for sissies and it sure isn’t easy. A spiritual awakening is a kind of cleansing process that needs us to relinquish the comforts of illusion. Theodor Adorno observed years ago that “In illusion there is the freedom from illusion” ( A spiritual awakening is just like that.

After years of dwelling under the illusions of time in the 4D realm, at long last the illusory nature of existence disintegrates and all that is left is purity. Leaving behind all those comforting illusions hurts and can temporarily leave a person feeling stranded. Of course, this spiritual awakening includes strong elements of genuine empathy and unless one is empathizing with a highly select group of individuals, empathy will give you the gift of pain. And with all these new things happening, a person may quite properly feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under him. It is a kind of Naked Lunch, to borrow from William Burroughs: an extended moment when everyone sees what is on the end of every fork. ( 

The best way to alleviate your temporary physical discomfort  is to understand that the spiritual awakening is personal yet also collective. Sure, it is hard.  Yet it is also the most worthwhile trip you can ever set out on.

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