Energy: 7 Fun Facts About Spiritual Energy & Energy Work

Energy: 7 Fun Facts About Spiritual Energy & Energy Work

7 Facts About Energy & Energy Work

Energy. Hmmm. Trying to remember.

Fact one: Even the basic scientific or lexicon definition of “energy” is spiritual.

Remember way back in school when you learned about the three laws of energy (sometimes known as thermodynamics)? For reasons that will become clear in a few moments, we are going to take a very quick review of that triad of Newtonian truisms, at least as they relate to the present world.

Objection! Your Honor, what is the relevance of this dalliance down the path of school day lore? Your Honor, the relevance will soon become apparent. Objection overruled, subject to connection.

& fun facts about energy and energy work

Everything in the universe is made of energy. Therefore, human beings are energy!

The First Law of Energy: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.  This means that you can’t make energy out of nothing— the total amount of energy in the universe is a constant.

The Second Law of Energy: When we use an energy source it is not destroyed but enters a more disordered state.  This makes the energy less available to us and in converting the energy to power means some loss. The point? Entropy is real.

The Third Law of Energy: This law is that everything comes to a stop only when the temperature is at −273.15°C on the Celsius scale. This equates to −459.67°F.  This is called absolute zero and is where the entropy measurement is 0, (Zero).

The relevance of this introductory digression is obvious: Energy is spiritual as well as scientific. Believers consider spiritual energy to be of a different type than those known to science, and therapies involved are often classed as alternative medicine. Various ideas pertaining to spiritual energy have been postulated in various cultures. Though there are varying approaches, energy therapies are typically based on the premise that – on a fundamental level – everything in the universe is made of energy. From this perspective, human beings are also fundamentally energy.

Fact #2: Personal energy is an amazingly misunderstood aspect of our lives.

When it comes to the purpose of life, there are many different points of view. However, if we simply had to narrow the options down to two, we could say there is a Western and an Eastern point of view. The Western perspective is that life ends up as a destination, a set of moral practices to define goals of achievement. Western lifestyle often tends to use goals to shape a person’s life.

The East, on the other hand, has no goals, as such. The eastern philosophy of Taoism stresses that living itself forms a person rather than any purpose. The teachings of Taoism embrace the journey of living as the very meaning of life. In Taoism (which you may also see written or hear spoken as Daoism), the purpose of life is inner peace and harmony.The central concept of tao can be understood to describe a spiritual reality, the order of the universe, or the way of modern life in harmony with the former two. 

Whereas Western teachings tend to take as a solution to a crisis as a “Walk it off” reality–meaning that people who are suffering have clearly brought their

problems on themselves and are thus capable with ease of working through those problems by staying focused on their goals–the Taoist point of view has value for anyone experiencing a type of crisis.

Remember we talked about Tolstoy’s view of change in an earlier post? 

There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one; the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution going to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.

Tolstoy would have made a fine Taoist.

When a person channels all their energy into fixing the larger world: it leaves little space for personal development. Trying to fix the world directly can for all purposes be considered to be endless. As a result, taking a path as a pure social reformer leaves little room for personal development. Taoism instead focuses a person on a path of self-exploration first. In this way, a person can better focus their energy and time to understand their nature and how it connects outward to the larger world.

Everything Is Energy. Everything Is Spiritual. So Energy Is Spiritual Energy!

Fact three: Some energy is yet to be measured.

Spiritual Energy is the loving, clear, pure, primordial emanation that allows things to exist. Soon, this energy will be universally recognized as a basic level for the organization of all things. This energy is found everywhere around us, but each entity receives it by its own vibration. Science doesn’t have the means to detect it yet or the ability to measure it. Individuals also experience a relationship between natural energy and spirituality in personal ways. Some people feel a spiritual energy within their own passions, motivations, conscience–or even their dreams—which guides them in their life. For example, the Mirrar People of Australia identify their dreams and waking visions as inner sources of spiritual energy. Many religions of the world call the source of this embodied, spiritual energy a “soul.” (

Fact four: Energy really is everything. And everything is spiritual.

Science teaches that energy comes in six forms: chemical, electrical, radiant, mechanical, thermal and nuclear. We might add to that list  a few of our own: kinetic, potential, gravitational, sound, light, elastic, electromagnetic and more. And all of these are all spiritual. 

Spiritual energy means the inexhaustible energy of the Spirit- or Soul. 

Fact five: We can feel personal/emotional or spiritual energy!

People feel the subtle energy all the time, but they are not aware of it because each one of us feels them differently. Not everyone feels this energy as a physical symptom. Some people perceive it as a light, others as a color or a sound and some feel it as an energetical manifestation. In order to notice these subtle energies, you must know that spiritual energy exists.

Fact six: We can use the five Spiritual Powers to heal spiritual energy.

  1. Faith. Think of faith not so much as a coercive religious force, but rather an innocence of conviction, an open heart that is not afraid to trust, and so can move beyond the known. It senses the possibility of transcendence—that what seems to be, isn’t all there is. It senses that there’s some profound human possibility to be realized, even though it’s not immediately apparent.
  2. Effort. Energy comes first and effort channels it. Effort is how things get done.
  3. Mindfulness. You hear this term a lot, yet you may not be clear on what it is. Mindfulness is the observing power of the mind, the active aspect of awareness. Mindful­ness means not forgetting to pay attention, not forgetting to be aware of whatever is happening within us, around us, from moment to moment to moment. 
  4. Concentration. Concentration can be thought of as “one-pointed attention.” In the context of insight meditation, it is steady, one-pointed attention upon a succession of changing objects. Concentration keeps attention pinned down upon whatever object mindfulness is noticing. 
  5. Wisdom. What a great word. Wisdom is the ongoing inspiration for the other four spiritual powers. Wisdom is insight into reality, that is, insight into the nature of things as they are. (

Fact seven: Energy healing is safe and natural.

People have been studying the body’s energy centers for thousands of years. Indeed, energy healing is based on scientific principles. As such, anyone can benefit from energy healing. Many types of energy healing modalities exist, such as acupuncture, reflexology and massage. That being the case, it is often practical to maintain energy health either at home or nearby. (

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The Law Of Attraction Ultimate Glossary of Terms!

The Law Of Attraction Ultimate Glossary of Terms!

The Ultimate Law Of Attraction Glossary!

A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms or words found in or relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations. I love a good glossary. I think of them as mini-lexicons, guides with an emphasis on brevity, but allowing just enough room to stress out with a personal flair.

That said, and although our first entry violates the rule of alphabetization, it feels reasonable to begin with a working definition of our topic, the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction: According to Jack Canfield, corporate trainer, motivational speaker and all-around wonderful guy, the law of attraction is a universal principle that states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you (

The Ultimate Glossary of Terms About The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a philosophy, a metaphysical principle, a belief system, a movement, and, a widely misunderstood term that is quite a bit more complicated than simply “like attracts like.”

For the purposes of this glossary, as well as our general understanding, that definition is beyond excellent. The only noteworthy addition–which we include here merely to take the edge off a tendency among many to sort of trivialize the term rather than to appreciate its full implications, is this: The Law of Attraction is a philosophy, a metaphysical principle, a belief system, a movement, and, a widely misunderstood term that is quite a bit more complicated than simply “like attracts like.”

At its core, it is based on the underlying theory that all matter, all thought forms, and all physical and non-physical energies, people, events, things and ideas are all a part of one Source.

Alignment: The state of being in harmony with one’s dreams and desires. Being in a positive state. Being in the same vibrational frequency as one’s soul. Feeling good. To be in alignment is to be thinking thoughts that naturally allow you to be feeling a state of peace, love, happiness, contentment, relaxation, enthusiasm, or joy. Also to be lined-up, in the flow, have an open valve, feel tuned-in, in the zone, or positively focused.

The state of being in harmony with one’s dreams and desires. Being in a positive state. Being in the same vibrational frequency as one’s soul.

Allowing: As the Self Help Hipster puts it, allowing is Letting go. Trusting. Believing things will work out, even though there might not be a sign that this is possible.  live your life while your Cosmic Order is processed, know that you will always get great things, love it even when it’s not here yet. (

Driftwood: On the whole, a very good thing. A reminder, if you will, of things that are on the way. Indicators, evidence or clues that what you desire is beginning to manifest itself around you.

When you begin seeing other people who have what you want around you, or you suddenly see your dream car all over town, that is driftwood indicating that the desire is building momentum in your consciousness before you can actually see it in your life. (

How energy arranges itself, and accumulates around a person based on the thoughts, beliefs, words, attention, and focus of the moment.

Expansion: In its simplest form, expansion is becoming greater in size, extent, volume, quantity, or scope; to get larger and more encompassing. Expansion is a given process. The key to joyful expansion is to find vibrational alignment with it.

As you think about what you want and why you want it, as you feel good, as you use processes such as visualization, scripting, focus wheel, affirmations, rampage of appreciation, etc., as you offer the vibration of your desire most often, you close the gap and your desire manifests. (

Grid: How energy arranges itself, and accumulates around a person based on the thoughts, beliefs, words, attention, and focus of the moment. Most closely related to the Vortex, it is a way to visualize how the energetic vibration of ideas becomes a manifested creation.

People who believe in the law of attraction practice tapping into and connecting to “source energy” in order to manifest their desires and dreams

Intention: Many people view intention as a certain kind of determination propelling one to succeed at all costs by never giving up on an inner picture.  But as Wayne Dyer used to say, “Our intention creates our reality.” An intention is the act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result. To be intentional is to have a positively focused idea, plan, or purpose in mind, and to imagine yourself successful in experiencing it.

Low Hanging Fruit: Something that is very easy to feel good about, and focusing on something that is easy to love/doesn’t have any negativity attached to it for you. A great way to jump start the process.

Manifestation: This is one of the ways that the creative power of the Universe manifests itself.   A manifestation is really anything, and everything, that happens to you, or comes into your awareness as a thing, a feeling, an emotion, or information of any kind. The more alignment, the faster one manifests their desires. ( )

Momentum: You know when you have it – you feel lucky, you’re in the right place at the right time, and everything you touch turns to gold. Momentum is the build-up of energy, the intensity, motion, speed, and quantity of thoughts, emotions, and vibrations currently active on any topic that you have strong feelings/opinions about, as well as its resistance to slowing down. ( ).

Pivot: To pivot is to deliberately shift your attention off of an unwanted experience or situation, and onto thinking about what you would prefer instead. Through this pivoting, we turn away from our conditioned negative bias toward our positive future vision. In pivoting we seek and aspire to evidence and feelings of well-being, thriving, success and happiness. (

Point of Attraction: Your Point of Attraction is the emotional vantage point from which your entire universe is created. (

Resistance: Resistance is simply a lack of faith in your ability to manifest. Think of resistance as negative thinking, negative thoughts, and habits, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, expectations, and beliefs that are in opposition to, or “against”, whatever is happening at the time. (

Source Energy: People who believe in the law of attraction practice tapping into and connecting to “source energy” in order to manifest their desires and dreams into reality. Source energy is the unseeable energy that flows through everyone and everything, the life-force of thoughts, ideas, and consciousness, and is synonymous with pure love. (

Vibration: The law of vibration means that everything moves and nothing rests.  When you think of something, whether through your conscious or subconscious mind, you set off a chain of reactions that change the vibration of your body. Understanding your vibration is important for you to take personal responsibility for your health, to take control of your relationships, and to take charge of your financial situation. To understand others, you need to shift your own frequency to see the world through their eyes. The vibration that you are in is going to attract things of a similar frequency. ( )

Vortex: In popular thought, a Vortex is a mass of fluid (such as a liquid) with a whirling or circular motion that tends to form a cavity or vacuum in the center of the circle and to draw toward this cavity or vacuum body subject to its action. For our purposes here, however, you might think of it as being in the groove. The Vortex is the vibration of Source Energy, and to be in alignment with it gives the feeling of being perfectly content with the state of your experience, as it is, in the moment. (

Well-Being: Well being is at the Source of all that is – it is peace, contentment, ease, joy, love, health, and vitality – and what life is supposed to feel like! At the core of each individual is absolute and perfect well-being; it is the essence of who each one of us really is at the Soul level.

Wobble: People of a certain age may remember a certain toy, the tagline for which was “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.” In terms of the Law of Attraction, it is more akin to feeling emotionally off-balance, uncertain, and unsteady.  It also refers to an energetic place that is in-between a new desire, and the absolute certainty that it is already created and on it’s way to you, even if it hasn’t manifested in physical form yet.

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Why People Love to Hate Manifesting Money

Why People Love to Hate Manifesting Money

People Love to Hate Manifesting Money

Why would anyone love to hate manifesting money? Well let’s really look at it for a moment . . . How do you feel about money? My guess is you like it quite a bit. I will also wager you are a bit embarrassed or at least self-conscious about your fondness for money. “It cannot buy happiness,” we have all heard people say. Groucho Marx had a nice retort for that one. He said, “Monet may not buy happiness, but it certainly allows you to purchase your own form of misery.” 

Why are people so darned uptight about cash? Or, to phrase it a bit differently and even a tad more precisely: What beliefs block our flow of abundance?

Why People Love to Hate Manifesting Money

Manifesting Money Inspires One To Be A Generous Person, Now! You’ll be that way with greater wealth, so share it and make the world a better place!

Money is bad

The Talmud, the New Testament and the Qur’an all have versions of the aphorism that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into Heaven. When a contemporary person first comes upon that bit of wisdom, the meaning seems clear enough: rich folks are not getting anywhere near the Pearly Gates. That interpretation is as wrong as it can be, but the reason for the misunderstanding is quite, well, understandable.

The “eye of the needle” was not so much a metaphor but rather a mythologically real place. The “Eye of the Needle” was in reality a narrow gateway into Jerusalem. Since camels were heavily loaded with goods and riders, they would need to be unloaded in order to pass through. Therefore, the meaning of the aphorism is not that a wealthy person cannot be admitted into Heaven, but rather that he cannot take his riches with him and so that he ought to do good things with his fortune while he is still here. ( If you are a good, generous person you’re still going to be that way with greater wealth, and you’ll be able to share it and make the world a better place. Good people with money can do a lot of good.

Manifesting Money Changes Everything . . .

Money changes people

Scott Fitzgerald wrote that “The rich are different.” Ernest Hemmingway responded, “Yes, they have more money.” 

Cyndi Lauper sang the words to a song written by Tom Gray of The Brains that declared “Money Changes Everything.” I must agree. It makes people much less likely to starve and positions them better to do good things with it. In the purest sense, money often illuminates who a person really is, whether through the total lack of it or through an amazing abundance of the stuff.

Money makes people fight. . . or at least gets people weird

Couples have certainly been known to argue about things related to money, often infusing their disagreements with the words “Where did it all go?” But money itself does not sprinkle angry dust on couples and taunt them into becoming idiots. Couples argue about money because they have had different experiences with it, because they have different communication styles, because they have different financial values, and–and this is the big one–because one or both members of the couple is keeping secrets.

Believe in Yourself, Bless Your Money. Money Manifesting is Giving Gratitude for Your Money.

There isn’t enough money for everyone.

Whoever told you that, I hope you didn’t pay for the information because as it turns out there is approximately US$ 40 trillion in circulation: this includes all the physical money and the money deposited in savings and checking accounts. Money in the form of investments, derivatives, and cryptocurrencies exceeds $1.3 quadrillion.

Making money is hard.

Well, it is not the easiest thing in the world to acquire, that is true. But it might be easier to have more of it if you didn’t flush so much of it down the pipes each and every day. What? Hey! Wait! Oh, sorry. I know this doesn’t apply to you. But maybe someone you know can benefit from these money saving ideas. Stop wasting money on multiple streaming services, a new phone every year, overpriced coffee, fast food, bottled water, more clothes and shoes than you could ever possibly wear, never-to-be-used memberships and subscriptions and credit card interest.

There is only one way to make money.

If you believe you can only make money at a job you hate, you will ignore an opportunity to make money in a way that you could actually enjoy.

You believe you are not worthy of an abundance of money.

And if you ran the universe yourself, I am certain only people you thought of as very good would ever make money. It turns out that both good and bad people make money and sometimes quite a bit of it. Telling yourself that other people deserve something that you are unworthy of is a limiting idea that will hold you back.

So what can you do instead?

Believe in yourself and bless your money.

Money is a form of exchange. Give gratitude for the money that you do have. If you find a coin on the ground, bless it and give gratitude knowing that you are abundant in every way. Always have a little bit of money in your pocket, your Subconscious will think that there is plenty of money and will bring you more. So instead of fighting it, bless your money. Why? Well, money is a spiritual force, just as with everything else. So if you hope to increase the flow of available funds in your life, it is an important and beneficial spiritual ritual to bless your money. Indeed, blessing increases prosperity. Praise wins you rewards.

  1. Love Money
  2. Respect Money
  3. Appreciate Money
  4. Bless Money
  5. Release Money and let the Money Flow

Here are your other best practices:

  • Always leave a bit of food on your plate
  • Make our payments for bills in advance
  • Download your objects; focus on the positive; visualize
  • Create manifesting moments
  • Stay humble and grateful
  • Become a conscious creator

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Transitioning In Business? Here’s the Worst Advice Ever!

Transitioning In Business? Here’s the Worst Advice Ever!

Transitioning In Your Business? Here’s The Worst Advice Ever!

Bad advice is sometimes called a bum steer, poor guidance, incorrect information, a faux pas. In fact, sometimes the worst advice about transitioning in your business feels like well-intentioned defeatism, a way for basically good people to sabotage you through condescension. Bad advice? No thanks. I’ll just drink Drano from the bottle instead.

So much bad advice proliferates that I have taken the liberty of making a top five all-time bad advice list, one that you can refer to from time to time, just in case some Bad Samaritan in sheep’s clothing tries to pull you down in the hole he is in because, as the schmuck himself would tell you, misery loves company.

The Worst Advice Ever About Transitioning Anything In Your Business

Transitioning bad advice is similar to the suggestion that everyone is entitled to an opinion, a most bizarre notion. Au contraire.

Number 5:  The customer is always right. Not only is this untrue from a strictly literal interpretation; it was born and remains one of the all-time (top five, at any rate) most ludicrous concepts in the history of Neanderthal folk wisdom. The customer–divine in his or her purity of commercial engagement–has about a fifty/fifty chance of being right about anything and less chance than that of being correct about anything important.

But wait, yes, I understand that the advice is actually intended as hyperbole so that the service provider will bend over backwards to give the customer exactly what is desired but even that interpretation takes it on faith that the customer typically behaves in his or her own best interest. The customer believes that the McLaren Elva he wishes to purchase ought to be delivered to his front door after being dipped in neon green paint and that you ought to somehow just trust him for the money because after all a man of his supreme taste and panache is certainly good for it and I mean come on you do want this sale, don’t you? 

This bad advice is similar to the suggestion that everyone is entitled to an opinion, a most bizarre notion. Au contraire. Everyone is entitled to an informed opinion. And a customer is only right if he knows what he is talking about. 

If you want to look at this bad advice in a somewhat less disjointed and cancerous way, you might interpret it to mean that the salesperson or service provider or waiter or airline pilot or whomever ought to be open to the idea that the customer may not inherently and invariably be mistaken. If a passenger somehow makes his way into the airplane’s cockpit and observes that as far as he knows the skyline of Manhattan does not much resemble the arid wasteland of Salt Lake City, well, then it behooves the pilot to at least consult with his navigation system, but to simply turn that plane around based on nothing more than the passenger’s say-so is sheer madness.

Transitioning in Business Requires Risks and Throwing Away The “Ladder”

Number 4:  You have to pay your dues if you want to move up the corporate ladder. Aside from the fact that this bit of asinine wisdom is rife with more cliches per square inch than a cover story in Soap Opera Monthly, it is also universally false.

In fact, I defy anyone gifted enough to comprehend the expression “pay your dues” to cite one example in the history of western late-capitalism where anyone ever moved up so much as one rung on the ladder–much less all the way to the top–by suffering the innumerable indignities and persecutions inherent in that patently odd expression.

People do occasionally move up in organizations, but dues and one’s willingness to pay them has little to do with it. 

  • Find out what the company’s biggest problem is and solve it. That’ll help get you noticed in all the right ways.
  • Support your immediate superior. No one likes a snitch and a back-stabber won’t make it beyond the first interview.
  • Ask for more challenging work. 
  • Say great things about yourself.
  • Admit your mistakes and fix them.
  • Forget about pleasing everyone. Some of the people you might be trying to please are customers and, as we have I believe already established, they may not necessarily know what’s right anyhow.

Transitioning successfully in business means understanding old ideas do not work nowadays . . .

Number 3:  If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. It is hard to know where to begin with this one, so I will instead share a simple and true story. Years ago I had a boss, a fellow that others previously in my position had warned me was a bit of a hard case. I filed that information away for a rainy day and made my own assessment.

He was a bit of a hard case, but darned likable for all that. One day he began asking me to write memoranda under his signature, memos that would go onto become policy. He would tell me the gist of what he wanted. I would take notes. In a few minutes I would take the draft to his desk where he would blue-pencil it to death. I would go back to my desk, rewrite the memo, return it to his desk, suffer more pencil strokes, on and on for what often felt like hours. After many revisions, at long last the pre-policy memo would be to his liking. He would sign it, hand me the original and ask me to make several copies. 

After weeks of this particular dance, I asked him if he felt this exercise was worth the trouble. He pushed himself back from his desk like a man finishing a satisfying Thanksgiving dinner, smiled up at me and said, “It would be a lot easier if I just wrote these memos myself. Is that what you are saying?”

I admitted it was.

He laughed as if I were the most naive person in the world. “And if I did it all myself, would you ever learn how to do them? The first one you wrote had more things wrong than right. Now half the time I don’t actually need to bother reading them. So, yes, it would have been easier then, but this has saved me hundreds of future hours.”

He may have been a hard case, but he knew what he was doing, which is not something that can be said for the person who advised me. . .

Number 2:  It’s all about who you know. Naw. Not at all. Oh, sure, if you know the CEO because that person is your father, it must be admitted that nepotism might serve you well. Personally, I have found it to be more to the point that “It is all about who knows you.” Make a good name for yourself. Don’t sing your own praises at the expense of the choir, but don’t hide your light under a barrel, either. When you do something spectacular, make sure you are visible for sharing the creditNuber 1:

And now the all-time worst advice about transitioning in your business, is:

Number 1: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. No. Incorrect. Wrong. Inaccurate. Mistake. Big Mistake.

If it sounds too good to be true, then take a moment to reevaluate your idea of what is possible. Someone offers to sell you a loaf of bread for fifty cents at a time when the going rate is five dollars a pack. Hmmm. Could that loaf be contaminated? Are slices missing? Is the taste off-putting? 

Or. . . is it possible that the store needs room on the shelves for some new bread that is overcrowding the warehouse and they need room back there for the frozen ice cream that is melting on the truck right this very second because you–the all-knowing never wrong in your whole life customer cannot make up your mind whether to accept the wheat in a bag deal of a lifetime because years earlier some genius told you that your own judgment of what is possible outstrips that of people who actually know what they are doing. 

I am not suggesting that you should buy a pig in a poke–wow, the cliches do pile up after a while, don’t they? But I am nicely suggesting that rejecting a terrific offer just because some jerk told you that good is bad is what you might call a mistake. I believe the best approach to a great offer is this:

  • Be cautious, but be optimistic.
  • Count the cost, but explore new ways of doing things.
  • Measure risk, but be bold.
  • Watch your step, but by all means, start down the path.

Please. I am begging you. Please do not allow someone else’s cynical nature discourage you from evaluating, digging for more data, and seizing a great opportunity on those far too rare moments when they land in front of you.

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Manifesting Abundance! 5 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

Manifesting Abundance! 5 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

Five Facts About Manifesting Abundance That’ll Blow Your Mind


Abundance is everywhere in the Universe. It can even appear in your personal life, if you let it.The Universe is constantly manifesting abundance.

It appears as a multitude of trees, plants, animals, and various forms of life, and also as an endless number of stars and Universes.

The Universe seems to be constantly creating new things. You are part of this plenty. If you lack plenitude in life, it is because of some negative thoughts and attitude blocking it.

So how does abundance manifest?

  • It manifests as plenty of love.
  • There can be an abundance of friendships.
  • There are a great number of opportunities.
Five Facts About Manifesting Abundance That Will Blow Your Mind

More about exactly how one goes about manifesting abundance

  • There is plenty of fun.
  • There can be plenty of food.
  • It is possible to have plenty of good deeds.
  • It is possible to possess plenty of energy.
  • There are a plethora of trees, grass or water.
  • You can create for yourself an abundance of time to do what you want.
  • You can also have plenty of spirituality in your life.
  • There could even be an abundance of caution, thinking, doing or caring.
  • There is an abundance of everything on this planet. You might not have access to it now, because you are alienating yourself from it and prevent it from manifesting in your life.

In that spirit, as it were, let us look at five mind blowing facts about manifesting abundance.

First fact: In ThetaHealing®, the concept of manifesting is the belief that it is possible to create something into the physical by using the connection to the Creator of All That Is. Every statement, thought and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives.

The truth is that we create our own reality and it is possible to manifest the best that the world has to offer. But we must first decide what it is we want in life. Do you have a dream of experiencing the life you want? Lots of people  have dreams, but lack the reality despite much searching. (

Second factThetahealing® is manifesting abundance – Every decision is made upon the mirror reflection of what we choose to create. What we think and say have a direct bearing upon whether our manifestations are for our benefit or detriment. What we say and think has great bearing upon our ability to manifest; but more importantly are those things that we don’t yet recognize that are held deep within and block our ability to manifest.  

Third fact: What the science says about crystals: Crystals are pretty, mystical, and they capture the imagination. They just might be one of the most popular trends in alternative medicine. Holding crystals or positioning them on various areas of the body can give physical and mental benefits. The idea is that crystals interact with the body’s energy field, creating balance and alignment. Two researchers, the brothers Pierre and Jack Curie, conducted a study in 1880 and found that changing the temperature of crystals and putting pressure on them could create electricity.

This is known as the piezoelectric effect. It’s used in technology like:

  • microphones
  • quartz watches
  • inkjet printers
  • sonar
  • medical implants

The work of the brothers Curie suggests that holding crystals may have a minor effect on the body’s energy levels. (

There Are Specific Crystals Which Assist in Manfesting Abundance

Fourth fact: These are the best crystals for manifesting.

Pyrite,   a golden nugget of sparkle and shine,  is known for being a symbol for good luck. Iron pyrite is often referred to as Fool’s Gold.  Yulia Van Doren, founder of Goldirocks and author of CRYSTALS: The Modern Guide To Crystal Healing, says of pyrite: “In crystal lore, it really is the abundance stone. This is a great one if you have a business. You can place it right on your cash register, or inside it. You can keep a small stone inside your wallet, or your purse, too. Keeping one in your desk or in your workspace is really great as well because then you’re seeing it as you’re working and creating. I call it the get-it-done crystal.” (

Citrine is the stone for monetary abundance and personal power. Colleen McCann, crystal expert at Style Ritutals and author of Crystal RX, says of citrine, “If you do want to talk about crystals to pull in the Benjamin’s, where that relates on the body is the third chakra, which is our solar plexus. It resonates with the color of yellow. First thing you can do is put an abundance crystal, or a monetary crystal (you want to interchange those words) when you’re meditating on your third chakra. That’s where the seed of how we treat money and think about money lives” 

Other great crystals include these:

Tigers Eye for making dreams a reality.

Clear Quartz for sending intention out into the world.

Rose Quartz for finding love that raises you up.

Amazonite for going out and getting what you want.

Green Aventurine for provoking a windfall of fortune.

Malachite for better financial decisions.

Ruby Zoisite for reaching out and taking life by the reigns.

Moss Agate for a golden harvest.

Jade for better business success.

Copper for conducting positive energy.

Kyanite for ample attunement.

Orange Calcite for thinking outside the box.

Sunstone for a change in direction.


Fifth fact: There are specific ways to use the crystals.

Pyrite: Whether it’s the sparkling energy or the fiery vitality that radiates from Pyrite, it seems to have a direct line with the gods of wealth and coin. Pyrite is a magnet attracting gold and wealth to come your way. This is a great gem for freelancers wanting to attract more clients.

Citrine: Place this gem in your purse and wait for the cash to flow. For those wanting the kind of abundance that doesn’t involve money, wearing Citrine can also make you a magnet for good luck and strong success.

Tigers Eye: For those who have been in a stagnant patch, Tigers Eye can pick you up and push you into new territory. For those who also tend to be a little frivolous when it comes to splashing the cash, Tigers Eye will keep you grounded in your fortune so you don’t squander it.

Clear Quartz:  Clear Quartz is for when you want that deep dose of clarity and to send your intention out there. This gem helps you to pull those goals out from the head and put them into an action plan that gets you exactly what you want.

Rose Quartz: Sit in soft meditation with Rose Quartz whenever you are feeling empty of love and lonely out in the world and want an immediate dose of dreamy self-care. You can also use Rose Quartz when ready for a relationship that gets to the core of who you are.

Amazonite: When you are done with dreaming and ready to spring into action, Amazonite is the stone you need in your life. This gem is ever ready to back you up and is an awesome amulet to have when you are tracking down a big promotion or looking to assert yourself to attract more abundance in your life.

Green Aventurine: When you are feeling a little short-changed by life or want to provoke a windfall of cash or some other form of abundance, channel your intention into your Green Aventurine and let it do the rest for you. 

Malachite: This energy magnet is a great tool to turn to when you are trying to make important decisions (especially when dealing with finances). Malachite wants to send wealth and fortune your way so let it lend a helping hand by keeping it close.

Ruby Zoisite: For those who tend to fall into a habit of overthinking and are forever putting the brakes on, Ruby Zoisite encourages you to change gear. When you want to go faster or simply chill in cruise control, this is the stone that gives you a delightful dose of self-esteem and direction.

Moss Agate: Turn to this when you are preparing to put your ducks in a row. This healing gemstone makes sure that everything is balanced and as healthy as it should be, creating the perfect environment for abundance to thrive.

Jade: For those embarking on a new business venture be sure to have a piece of Jade close by at all times to ensure success. Even without the allure of business energy, keep Jade on you to stay lucky in love and life.

Copper: Turn to the healing element of Copper when you want to open yourself up to all the universe has to offer. We often inherently know when we have closed ourselves off and thrown up walls. We may feel dead inside or dissatisfied. 

Kyanite: Kyanite is for when you need a touch of direction. Sometimes a person can push too hard when trying to figure out what he wants and this can keep us blinkered to the bigger picture. Kyanite helps you to attune to your deepest desires and to strengthen your intention to get there.

Orange Calcite: For those who feel like they may be in a pitfall of doom and gloom, Orange Calcite is the pickme-up to get you back on track for feeling fine. When we shift our energy into a positive light, we are suddenly open to opportunity and better equipped for thinking outside the box. 

Sunstone: Opportunity always comes knocking when Sunstone is around. This gleaming warm-blooded gem ensures that no matter how dark and dreary it gets – you can always find that slice of sunlight. ( (

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Master Manifestation in 6 Simple Steps: A How To Guide

Master Manifestation in 6 Simple Steps: A How To Guide

Mastering Manifestation in 6 Steps:

A How To Guide

Let’s take a quick  view of what is meant by manifesting: When you use it correctly, this power manifests in your life the things you want. It attracts success, financial abundance, new experiences in life, and can bring love into your life. We can master this manifestation in six steps. And they are quite simple.

Clear Space: Before beginning the manifestation process, take time to release all doubt in your power to be happy. One great way to clear the blocks of disbelief is to pray for release. Start a daily practice of asking the Universe to set you free from all the limiting beliefs that block you from believing in your greatness. Stay open for signs from the Universe and show up for the assignments that are brought to you.

Master Manifestation in Six Simple Steps: A How To Guide

Happiness is your true manifestation.

So just remember everything sitting in your closets, your cabinets and your shelves is yours. You care about its wellbeing. You must spend time and energy caring for it: making sure it has a space, is in good condition, clean etc. All of that caring takes up your mental and emotional energy. Letting things go really does let your brain relax and focus on what’s important!

To take it a step further, the etheric energy of both you and your home are also important elements to consider before you start manifesting something new into your life

What follows are five key principles for genuine manifesting. When practicing these steps, make sure to stay committed to the goal of feeling good first and attracting stuff second. After all, when your primary function is to be happy, then whatever comes to you is irrelevant. Happiness is your true manifestation.

When you get clear on how you want to feel, you can begin to access that feeling. That feeling is what makes the manifestation come into form.

Get clear:  If you don’t know exactly what you want, you can’t actually take steps to make it happen. To manifest something, you must know what you desire.   The most important part of this step is to clarify how you want to feel. When you get clear on how you want to feel, you can begin to access that feeling. That feeling is what makes the manifestation come into form.

You can write a thousand lists and make a million vision boards, but if you don’t clearly feel what you want to experience, it will never truly manifest into form. Remember: “I want a car” might land you a 1965 El Camino without a working engine. “I want a used SUV with less than 30,000 miles on it that’s priced under $15,000” streamlines the search quite a bit.

Take your clear intention and spend time every day sitting in the feeling of what you desire.

Think it, feel it, believe it: The more you feel the feeling of what you desire, the more you believe it is on the way. From a metaphysical perspective, if you believe it then it is already here. So make time for contemplating, thinking, feeling and believing. Take your clear intention and spend time every day sitting in the feeling of what it is that you desire. You might access the feeling through meditation and visioning exercises, or call on the feeling when you’re in nature or doing a form of exercise you love.

Chill: Chill out, even if you have to work at it. Suzanne Heyn recommends one technique where she writes a positive affirmation around her desire fifty-five times in a row for five days. Repeating affirmations so many times helps it sink into your brain. (

Being in the now helps you accept that you’re already living in your desired manifestation

Choose Gratitude: Deepak Chopra once said: “Gratitude opens the door to…the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the Universe. You can open the door through gratitude.” (

Trust the Process: You can. You should. Are you in alignment? Yes. Do you understand the Law of Attraction? Yes. Have you relinquished control of the How? Yes. Then you are at last in the Now. Being in the now helps you accept that you’re already living in your desired manifestation.

One of the easiest ways to put your trust in the universe and manifest positive things, in general, is to have fun with it! So many people come to the law of attraction and manifesting from a place of lack, despair, struggling, lack of confidence and all these other negative emotions.

That’s not the way it works. Your energy and vibes are so off if that’s how you’re approaching it. You’re supposed to be playful and happy when you do manifesting work. And it’s a domino effect or feedback loop of positive feelings and vibrations.

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