Energy: 7 Fun Facts About Spiritual Energy & Energy Work

Energy: 7 Fun Facts About Spiritual Energy & Energy Work

7 Facts About Energy & Energy Work

Energy. Hmmm. Trying to remember.

Fact one: Even the basic scientific or lexicon definition of “energy” is spiritual.

Remember way back in school when you learned about the three laws of energy (sometimes known as thermodynamics)? For reasons that will become clear in a few moments, we are going to take a very quick review of that triad of Newtonian truisms, at least as they relate to the present world.

Objection! Your Honor, what is the relevance of this dalliance down the path of school day lore? Your Honor, the relevance will soon become apparent. Objection overruled, subject to connection.

& fun facts about energy and energy work

Everything in the universe is made of energy. Therefore, human beings are energy!

The First Law of Energy: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.  This means that you can’t make energy out of nothing— the total amount of energy in the universe is a constant.

The Second Law of Energy: When we use an energy source it is not destroyed but enters a more disordered state.  This makes the energy less available to us and in converting the energy to power means some loss. The point? Entropy is real.

The Third Law of Energy: This law is that everything comes to a stop only when the temperature is at −273.15°C on the Celsius scale. This equates to −459.67°F.  This is called absolute zero and is where the entropy measurement is 0, (Zero).

The relevance of this introductory digression is obvious: Energy is spiritual as well as scientific. Believers consider spiritual energy to be of a different type than those known to science, and therapies involved are often classed as alternative medicine. Various ideas pertaining to spiritual energy have been postulated in various cultures. Though there are varying approaches, energy therapies are typically based on the premise that – on a fundamental level – everything in the universe is made of energy. From this perspective, human beings are also fundamentally energy.

Fact #2: Personal energy is an amazingly misunderstood aspect of our lives.

When it comes to the purpose of life, there are many different points of view. However, if we simply had to narrow the options down to two, we could say there is a Western and an Eastern point of view. The Western perspective is that life ends up as a destination, a set of moral practices to define goals of achievement. Western lifestyle often tends to use goals to shape a person’s life.

The East, on the other hand, has no goals, as such. The eastern philosophy of Taoism stresses that living itself forms a person rather than any purpose. The teachings of Taoism embrace the journey of living as the very meaning of life. In Taoism (which you may also see written or hear spoken as Daoism), the purpose of life is inner peace and harmony.The central concept of tao can be understood to describe a spiritual reality, the order of the universe, or the way of modern life in harmony with the former two. 

Whereas Western teachings tend to take as a solution to a crisis as a “Walk it off” reality–meaning that people who are suffering have clearly brought their

problems on themselves and are thus capable with ease of working through those problems by staying focused on their goals–the Taoist point of view has value for anyone experiencing a type of crisis.

Remember we talked about Tolstoy’s view of change in an earlier post? 

There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one; the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution going to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.

Tolstoy would have made a fine Taoist.

When a person channels all their energy into fixing the larger world: it leaves little space for personal development. Trying to fix the world directly can for all purposes be considered to be endless. As a result, taking a path as a pure social reformer leaves little room for personal development. Taoism instead focuses a person on a path of self-exploration first. In this way, a person can better focus their energy and time to understand their nature and how it connects outward to the larger world.

Everything Is Energy. Everything Is Spiritual. So Energy Is Spiritual Energy!

Fact three: Some energy is yet to be measured.

Spiritual Energy is the loving, clear, pure, primordial emanation that allows things to exist. Soon, this energy will be universally recognized as a basic level for the organization of all things. This energy is found everywhere around us, but each entity receives it by its own vibration. Science doesn’t have the means to detect it yet or the ability to measure it. Individuals also experience a relationship between natural energy and spirituality in personal ways. Some people feel a spiritual energy within their own passions, motivations, conscience–or even their dreams—which guides them in their life. For example, the Mirrar People of Australia identify their dreams and waking visions as inner sources of spiritual energy. Many religions of the world call the source of this embodied, spiritual energy a “soul.” (

Fact four: Energy really is everything. And everything is spiritual.

Science teaches that energy comes in six forms: chemical, electrical, radiant, mechanical, thermal and nuclear. We might add to that list  a few of our own: kinetic, potential, gravitational, sound, light, elastic, electromagnetic and more. And all of these are all spiritual. 

Spiritual energy means the inexhaustible energy of the Spirit- or Soul. 

Fact five: We can feel personal/emotional or spiritual energy!

People feel the subtle energy all the time, but they are not aware of it because each one of us feels them differently. Not everyone feels this energy as a physical symptom. Some people perceive it as a light, others as a color or a sound and some feel it as an energetical manifestation. In order to notice these subtle energies, you must know that spiritual energy exists.

Fact six: We can use the five Spiritual Powers to heal spiritual energy.

  1. Faith. Think of faith not so much as a coercive religious force, but rather an innocence of conviction, an open heart that is not afraid to trust, and so can move beyond the known. It senses the possibility of transcendence—that what seems to be, isn’t all there is. It senses that there’s some profound human possibility to be realized, even though it’s not immediately apparent.
  2. Effort. Energy comes first and effort channels it. Effort is how things get done.
  3. Mindfulness. You hear this term a lot, yet you may not be clear on what it is. Mindfulness is the observing power of the mind, the active aspect of awareness. Mindful­ness means not forgetting to pay attention, not forgetting to be aware of whatever is happening within us, around us, from moment to moment to moment. 
  4. Concentration. Concentration can be thought of as “one-pointed attention.” In the context of insight meditation, it is steady, one-pointed attention upon a succession of changing objects. Concentration keeps attention pinned down upon whatever object mindfulness is noticing. 
  5. Wisdom. What a great word. Wisdom is the ongoing inspiration for the other four spiritual powers. Wisdom is insight into reality, that is, insight into the nature of things as they are. (

Fact seven: Energy healing is safe and natural.

People have been studying the body’s energy centers for thousands of years. Indeed, energy healing is based on scientific principles. As such, anyone can benefit from energy healing. Many types of energy healing modalities exist, such as acupuncture, reflexology and massage. That being the case, it is often practical to maintain energy health either at home or nearby. (

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An Intuitive Chat: Success, Mindset & Business Success

An Intuitive Chat: Success, Mindset & Business Success

An Intuitive Chat: Success, Mindset & Business

Use emerging personal development and self awareness tools to know yourself, stay true to purpose and follow your intuitive urges in business for success!

Hi Friends! In this episode I chat with Business Coach, Melissa Kirk! Melissa opened the doors to her business in 2008 and for the past 14 years she has been supporting business owners and entrepreneurs realize success in all areas of their life.

Melissa has expert knowledge in many intuitive modalities including The System of Human Design & Theta Healing. Her journey is inspiring and I hope you enjoy! (*Interview begins at 16:25)

And before the interview, I share a valuable lesson that I learned on 2/22/2022. I gained an unexpected perspective on that “once in a lifetime” day!

Understanding the basic concept of human design helps you understand if you’re internally or externally motivated, what your communication strengths are and find out how to determine your personal strengths and to intuitively align them with opportunities in a rapidly changing world where knowing who you are is crucial for success!

Thetahealing® is a popular healing modality in the corporate arena! Surprised?! As with most forms of energy healing that are labeled holistic self-development there’s inevitably going to be doubters who will point out the perceived flaws. The beauty of Thetahealing® is that despite claims by its detractors it continues to grow faster than ever year over year, proving the truth is always stranger than fiction!

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Law of Attraction Tools: Human Design and Hand Analysis

Law of Attraction Tools: Human Design and Hand Analysis

How To Use Law of Attraction Tools

Law of Attraction Tools: Human Design and Hand Analysis

In this interview, Melissa discusses her multifaceted dynamic approach to a diverse set of  law of attration tools and modern modalities for success

We’re here to help you develop the self-awareness and focus necessary for success in today’s complex environment of relationships and marketplace dynamics. We will show you how to gain insight into what is holding you back so that you can choose successful answers, behaviors, goals and strategies with confidence.

Success has many faces, it is multi-faceted and dynamic. Business people working on a weekend improves morale which results in more productivity; teachers who understand their students more effectively can improve retention. Wounded people who’ve done the energy work to heal and improve their interaction with others resulting in better social support during transitions of life are all successfull applications of these unique techniques.

Ancient astrology for example gives us the broad view and the Human Design system helps us focus in on very specific down to earth look details such as those you will find on your hands analyzed by scientific hand analysis.

The purpose of my work is to use these law of attraction tools and techniques that I have learned in my years as a human design consultant and trained expert in these various modalities to make your journey through life in complete alignment with your soul.

It is useful to step back from the hustle-bustle of daily responsibilities and look at your world with fresh eyes, from a unique perspective, one you may have never considered before.

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Understanding Your Inner Blueprint

Understanding Your Inner Blueprint

Understanding Your Inner Blueprint

Leverage your inner blueprint! Apply it to business using step-by-step guidelines from a leading expert. Human Design is a powerful tool for growth, creativity, sales and transformation.

The human design system delivers an inner blueprint, which is a personal as well as a business development tool, based on over forty years of research by Dr. Vicky Wall, that includes five different Human Design types and strategies for success.

The Human Design system (also known as the Zodiac-based approach) is one of the most comprehensive, innovative and insightful new approaches to understanding ourselves. It’s also quite easy to use in real everyday life situation for business and self development purposes.

If a business is something you’d like to create, start or grow. If its not just for the money but more so passion that drives your intentions – then I welcome you to join me in working together and let’s explore how this information can support you along your journey of self-awareness … and building a unique life in alignment with your purpose.

Understanding your inner blueprint using the human design system of knowledge is a new way to be healthy, vibrant and successful.

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The Law Of Attraction Ultimate Glossary of Terms!

The Law Of Attraction Ultimate Glossary of Terms!

The Ultimate Law Of Attraction Glossary!

A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms or words found in or relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations. I love a good glossary. I think of them as mini-lexicons, guides with an emphasis on brevity, but allowing just enough room to stress out with a personal flair.

That said, and although our first entry violates the rule of alphabetization, it feels reasonable to begin with a working definition of our topic, the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction: According to Jack Canfield, corporate trainer, motivational speaker and all-around wonderful guy, the law of attraction is a universal principle that states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you (

The Ultimate Glossary of Terms About The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a philosophy, a metaphysical principle, a belief system, a movement, and, a widely misunderstood term that is quite a bit more complicated than simply “like attracts like.”

For the purposes of this glossary, as well as our general understanding, that definition is beyond excellent. The only noteworthy addition–which we include here merely to take the edge off a tendency among many to sort of trivialize the term rather than to appreciate its full implications, is this: The Law of Attraction is a philosophy, a metaphysical principle, a belief system, a movement, and, a widely misunderstood term that is quite a bit more complicated than simply “like attracts like.”

At its core, it is based on the underlying theory that all matter, all thought forms, and all physical and non-physical energies, people, events, things and ideas are all a part of one Source.

Alignment: The state of being in harmony with one’s dreams and desires. Being in a positive state. Being in the same vibrational frequency as one’s soul. Feeling good. To be in alignment is to be thinking thoughts that naturally allow you to be feeling a state of peace, love, happiness, contentment, relaxation, enthusiasm, or joy. Also to be lined-up, in the flow, have an open valve, feel tuned-in, in the zone, or positively focused.

The state of being in harmony with one’s dreams and desires. Being in a positive state. Being in the same vibrational frequency as one’s soul.

Allowing: As the Self Help Hipster puts it, allowing is Letting go. Trusting. Believing things will work out, even though there might not be a sign that this is possible.  live your life while your Cosmic Order is processed, know that you will always get great things, love it even when it’s not here yet. (

Driftwood: On the whole, a very good thing. A reminder, if you will, of things that are on the way. Indicators, evidence or clues that what you desire is beginning to manifest itself around you.

When you begin seeing other people who have what you want around you, or you suddenly see your dream car all over town, that is driftwood indicating that the desire is building momentum in your consciousness before you can actually see it in your life. (

How energy arranges itself, and accumulates around a person based on the thoughts, beliefs, words, attention, and focus of the moment.

Expansion: In its simplest form, expansion is becoming greater in size, extent, volume, quantity, or scope; to get larger and more encompassing. Expansion is a given process. The key to joyful expansion is to find vibrational alignment with it.

As you think about what you want and why you want it, as you feel good, as you use processes such as visualization, scripting, focus wheel, affirmations, rampage of appreciation, etc., as you offer the vibration of your desire most often, you close the gap and your desire manifests. (

Grid: How energy arranges itself, and accumulates around a person based on the thoughts, beliefs, words, attention, and focus of the moment. Most closely related to the Vortex, it is a way to visualize how the energetic vibration of ideas becomes a manifested creation.

People who believe in the law of attraction practice tapping into and connecting to “source energy” in order to manifest their desires and dreams

Intention: Many people view intention as a certain kind of determination propelling one to succeed at all costs by never giving up on an inner picture.  But as Wayne Dyer used to say, “Our intention creates our reality.” An intention is the act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result. To be intentional is to have a positively focused idea, plan, or purpose in mind, and to imagine yourself successful in experiencing it.

Low Hanging Fruit: Something that is very easy to feel good about, and focusing on something that is easy to love/doesn’t have any negativity attached to it for you. A great way to jump start the process.

Manifestation: This is one of the ways that the creative power of the Universe manifests itself.   A manifestation is really anything, and everything, that happens to you, or comes into your awareness as a thing, a feeling, an emotion, or information of any kind. The more alignment, the faster one manifests their desires. ( )

Momentum: You know when you have it – you feel lucky, you’re in the right place at the right time, and everything you touch turns to gold. Momentum is the build-up of energy, the intensity, motion, speed, and quantity of thoughts, emotions, and vibrations currently active on any topic that you have strong feelings/opinions about, as well as its resistance to slowing down. ( ).

Pivot: To pivot is to deliberately shift your attention off of an unwanted experience or situation, and onto thinking about what you would prefer instead. Through this pivoting, we turn away from our conditioned negative bias toward our positive future vision. In pivoting we seek and aspire to evidence and feelings of well-being, thriving, success and happiness. (

Point of Attraction: Your Point of Attraction is the emotional vantage point from which your entire universe is created. (

Resistance: Resistance is simply a lack of faith in your ability to manifest. Think of resistance as negative thinking, negative thoughts, and habits, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, expectations, and beliefs that are in opposition to, or “against”, whatever is happening at the time. (

Source Energy: People who believe in the law of attraction practice tapping into and connecting to “source energy” in order to manifest their desires and dreams into reality. Source energy is the unseeable energy that flows through everyone and everything, the life-force of thoughts, ideas, and consciousness, and is synonymous with pure love. (

Vibration: The law of vibration means that everything moves and nothing rests.  When you think of something, whether through your conscious or subconscious mind, you set off a chain of reactions that change the vibration of your body. Understanding your vibration is important for you to take personal responsibility for your health, to take control of your relationships, and to take charge of your financial situation. To understand others, you need to shift your own frequency to see the world through their eyes. The vibration that you are in is going to attract things of a similar frequency. ( )

Vortex: In popular thought, a Vortex is a mass of fluid (such as a liquid) with a whirling or circular motion that tends to form a cavity or vacuum in the center of the circle and to draw toward this cavity or vacuum body subject to its action. For our purposes here, however, you might think of it as being in the groove. The Vortex is the vibration of Source Energy, and to be in alignment with it gives the feeling of being perfectly content with the state of your experience, as it is, in the moment. (

Well-Being: Well being is at the Source of all that is – it is peace, contentment, ease, joy, love, health, and vitality – and what life is supposed to feel like! At the core of each individual is absolute and perfect well-being; it is the essence of who each one of us really is at the Soul level.

Wobble: People of a certain age may remember a certain toy, the tagline for which was “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.” In terms of the Law of Attraction, it is more akin to feeling emotionally off-balance, uncertain, and unsteady.  It also refers to an energetic place that is in-between a new desire, and the absolute certainty that it is already created and on it’s way to you, even if it hasn’t manifested in physical form yet.

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