Understanding Your Inner Blueprint

Understanding Your Inner Blueprint

Up My Influence Ep.#654 Understanding Your Inner Blueprint


Understanding your purpose is the first step to success. Your human design blueprint help business owners discover potential within themselves, imagine future scenarios and strategically navigate obstacles.

I’m so excited to be sharing how human design can empower developers, product managers, business owners, aspiring creatives, moms who want remote careers, or entrepreneurs in solving their business problems. Also as Human Design Artist, I’m personally encouraging clients to take charge of their careers with a process that allows them to pinpoint what’s blocking success and helps business owners align all organizational processes with their company’s greater purpose.

If you’ve you ever asked yourself, “What’s my life purpose? How do I make meaningful contributions to society?” If so, then pay attention because this might be a game changer for you! Myself and my team have over 15 years of experience in the individualistic blueprint of human design, growth and high performance. We know a lot about you if you are interested in speaking with leaders who serve to inspire (not motivate).

You are probably here because you have problems beyond solutions; issues that seem to be repeating themselves over and over again, some that you may have been grappling with for years, wondering why you can be so successful in some areas of life but cannot attain this same kind of success in every area of business, life, relationships, etc. But there is a solution!

What are the key discoveries in Human Design? What improvements from understanding the Human Design system will you experience in my business? How do entrepreneurs get started with Human Design for their business, other businesses and themselves?

There is more to being understood than you have previously experienced. Human Design is a system that can reveal so many things, your purpose in life, why and how others relate to you as they do, why patterns with prominent relationships seems to repeat again and again, why you cannot get your money right or keep commitments to yourself or your family.

This isn’t a sales pitch. This is literally your purpose in life, or your career blueprint. You see you can solve complex problems using human design. These ancient system bridges the gap created by complexity so we all win and achieve our goals. How is this possible? We are masterful problem solvers with incredible foresight — being able to look at any situation and take advantage of opportunities others missed is all unveiled when diving deep into your human design blueprint with a certified expert like me.

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Purpose in Business | Human Design Helps

Purpose in Business | Human Design Helps

Express Your Purpose in Business with the Help of Human Design

Once clear on Purpose you have the power and precision to take on issues that used to overwhelm you with disempowering judgments

Do you ever feel like all the right answers exist deep within, but you just can’t find them? Do you spend a lot of time reacting to each curve ball life throws at you instead of responding with grace and ease?

How would it be if there were powerful tools available that have been scientifically proven to help facilitate change in your life without a struggle on your part, without having to try very hard or give up something else to make room for this new change.

Imagine being able to be in alignment with all aspects of yourself. Imagine having huge shifts which create a NEW way of living for yourself, no matter what you are striving toward.

Human Design can help heal your life and unleash resources within you that have been trapped. This is truly remarkable stuff. Human Design has been quietly passed down from generation to generation. It’s more than 5000 years old…. but today it’s only known by very few people! Now is the time for this ancient knowledge to shine in the modern day world again!

Purpose coaching with Melissa is all about integrating human design into your life and using Thetahealing® as well as other modalities to build a unique path to the success you seek.

You were born with a personal design to succeed. This Inner Blueprint is amazing and astounding when we learn how to see the divine intention inside us. Yet, for many this intention-to-succeed remains entirely . . . intended rather than lived! And so the chance at greatness slips through our grasp without knowing what happened or how it could’ve been different had we just heard that clear direction of success within ourselves.

Not being aligned to your purpose can cause stress in attracting the life you’d actually love. Align yourself with what matters, find your passion, be clear about your values and direct bulletproof results that sets you free from any distractions which hold you back from thriving as a business professional. The possibilities are endless!!

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Human Design: 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know

Human Design: 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know

5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Human Design

While this first point is not technically on the list of five things you probably did not know about human design, I thought we would throw in a bonus: What is Human Design, anyway?

To answer that question, we asked the people at Holo Human Design, a fine group of holistic advisors. Here is what they said:

Human Design is a system that synthesizes essential elements of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra systems as they apply to us today, with current scientific knowledge in the fields of Physics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. Using the time of our birth, Human Design is able to define the forces that influence our bodies and personalities, helping us to understand the cycles, characteristics and themes that make us who we are. (https://bit.ly/3G0rrCL)

Human Design, Human Design system, bodygraph, body graph

Human Design is a tremendous amount of information regarding enormous sections of life with numerous details to be sifted, sorted and interpreted

#1 Despite all the endless insights and takeaways, the Human Design concept sure does seem like a lot of information.

That is a legitimate observation, of course. But then again, the Human Design document we like–https://bit.ly/3HJmQW5– is nineteen pages of wildly practical and useful insights and illuminations and you can read it in less time than it takes a friend of yours to reach the first level of The Legend of Zelda. Karen Curry’s article, “An Introduction to The Parts of The Human Design Chart” is bursting at the seams with profound, revealing and unique ways to help human beings. This Body Graph, as Karen calls it, represents the sum of all human possibilities and energies. 

#2 But this is not just spiritual or astrological. It’s scientific!

That is quite true. One way to think of Human Design is as an amalgamation of the most important thinking available about the construct that is the Human Being. Human Design, or HD,  is a system that synthesizes essential elements of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra systems as they apply to us today, with current scientific knowledge in the fields of Physics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. It also relies heavily on the physics of neutrinos, streams of tiny particles that the sun and stars emit into space and which flow through our atmosphere and bodies at a pace of trillions per second. 

A useful amalgam of science with the spiritual yields an exciting and essential conception of the Bodygraph itself, a map of sorts, one that gives us information about how the body and mind function together, how we experience energy, emotion, awareness, identity, ego, instinct, intuition and the mind. (https://bit.ly/3t4MSyK) If you have not already guessed, Human Design offers an opportunity to accept and surrender to what is unchangeable and unbroken in us, so that we come to love, trust and rely on ourselves.

#3 This isn’t real, This is pseudoscience! Nope!

Oh, I see. I’m not here to be defensive. Different strokes. But I would ask you to draw from your knowledge of history and remember that the ideas we scoff at or ridicule or dismiss today are sometimes the common sense of tomorrow. And often this alteration in understanding comes at a horrible expense. Galileo was charged with publishing a treatise on his observation that the earth revolves around the sun. In 1633, the Inquisition banned his writings and Galileo spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.  Specifically, he was charged with heresy by the Holy Inquisition in Rome.

Andreas Vesalius was a distinguished medical scholar, a great anatomist and founder of modern medical science. He was a Renaissance figure in the 16th century scientific revolution. Vesalius applied empirical methods while dissecting cadavers in the study of the human body.  His revolutionary book, De Humani Corporis Fabrica, established anatomy as a scientific discipline. Nevertheless, his fame as an anatomist became greater with each passing year. Eventually he was appointed a court physician in Spain. By dissecting the body of a Spanish nobleman who died in his care, Vesalius found, when he opened the man’s chest, that the heart was still beating. Yes!

Vesalius was accused of murder and like Galileo, was brought before the Inquisition. Fortunately, the king of Spain commuted his death sentence to a pilgrimage of penitence in the Holy Land.

Decades have passed since Stanley Prusiner first proposed that a protein could be the sole component of the agent responsible for such diseases. It took that long for his heretical hypothesis to be fully accepted by the scientific community.

Naysayers  had argued that definitive proof could not be achieved until infectious material is produced from pure prion protein. Such skeptics constitute today’s brand of persecution.  Prusiner won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1997.

This little medical history lesson suggests that what we rebuke today may become accepted wisdom tomorrow. So perhaps we ought not to judge too hastily.

#4 Human Design is frivolous and nothing important can be found this way, WRONG!

All the same, what we have found is that the BodyGraph can reveal:

  • How our gifts and innate abilities are organically expressed
  • How we can be both wise and vulnerable in relation to the influences around us: societal, interpersonal and planetary
  • Who is attractive to us and why
  • The ways in which we are fixed and consistent, what we can trust in ourselves
  • Where we are open to conditioning and coping strategies that lead to confusion, inner conflict, frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment
  • Which characteristics are conscious and rooted in personality and which are unconscious or rooted in the body
  • How to make decisions using a personal navigation system
  • What role and purpose we are here to express

That seems fairly substantial.

Did you know you can incorporate human design into your health, your lifestyle, your business. . . human design can assist in nearly all facets of your life

#5 – There is a lot of information about Human Design available elsewhere. Why would I need someone to read it for me?

Actually, you are partly correct: a lot of information does exist on this subject. But there is value in having a coach work with you on this exploration. A Holistic Health Coach is a trained professional who uses an integrative approach to diet and lifestyle changes to improve their client’s health. Working as a guide toward an overall healthier life, they will look at their clients’ nutrition patterns, relationships, physical fitness, spirituality, and more. And this approach quite often includes culling through the dross and getting through to your specific needs. If this process includes working with Human Design, so much the better.


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Talking coaching purpose, human design, and real estate

Talking coaching purpose, human design, and real estate

Ep 91: Happy Inspired Motivated Podcast Talking human design, coaching & real estate!

So what is “Purpose Coaching”? It was so exciting to discuss how I help people to find and align with their passion and purpose, shift their mindset to be empowered and create the lifestyle they desire. I was so pleased to appear on the HAPPY INSPIRED MOTIVATED podcast with Tara Chatzakis.

We got into the details of exactly how I’ve helped clients purchase their dream home, attract clients and customers, improve relationships, systemize and grow their business and improve their health, holistically and naturally.

coach, coaching, purpose coach, coaching purpose, human design, real estate

Coaching with Me you discover what you were born to do and start living the life of your dreams

We all have our own dreams and goals in life, whether it’s starting a business or changing careers. I’m Melissa Kirk, founder of Melissa Kirk Consulting , a mindset coaching service specializing in helping you find your passion and gain clarity about what you want out of life.

Not only that but we also systemise the way forward so everything flows like clockwork beginning with creating customised vision mapping! Where there is a definite purpose, the creative vision and necessary strategies becomes abundantly clear.

This essence was the basis for developing my coaching options, which initially aims to provide you with guidance in identifying your passion and connecting it to meaningful goals. I truly hope working with me will empower your career path tremendously!

Life Purpose, Passion and keys to a holistic, natural approach to toal happines in many areas of your life, business and so much more. Whether you are working in Corporate, completely re-evaluating your life, exploring your purpose, changing direction entirely, retiring from work or somewhere in between.

When you’ve defined your life purpose and revamped or launched your business, questions on how to monetise to create passive income, scale or make it last me a lifetime, even generate generational wealth immediately come into question.

A huge part of my work as a coach is helping people to embrace change so they can move towards making business and life more successful rather than resisting the growth as it happens.

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How hand analysis and human design help us find ourselves

How hand analysis and human design help us find ourselves

Losing ourselves, scientific hand analysis and human design

Hand analysis is really me, you, and everyone else! Each hand has a personal blueprint at birth!

I was so ecited to appear on the Lead Your Day podcast, Episode #239 where we discussed losing ourselves and how to find ourselves and our purpose with hand analysis and human design! The podcast described it like this, “On today’s show I’m talking with Melissa Kirk. She is a personal empowerment coach for entrepreneurs, guiding business owners to their next level of success by getting to the root of what is holding them back.

Melissa gets people results – with her out-of-the-box ideas, and ability to help people find and align their passion and purpose, shift their mindsets and create the lifestyle they desire.”

To really gain awareness of what is possible, we need to start looking into the possibilities of what life could be and/or yield. Human Design is a tool whereby we can help us understand our bodies in terms of its purpose as well as focus on what it takes for us to live out our full potential.

This knowledge can be very valuable as it takes away any unconscious blame or victimhood from things not going right for ourselves and others. Nothing happens in this reality without some sort of catalyst first!

The art of hand analysis is an ancient one, the first recorded practitioners were in China. According to the ancient Chinese sages we each possess within us two sides or components – Yin and Yang. Each half contains distinctive functions so you can feel comfortable that you’re unique gifts are being expressed through both hands.

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Happy & Empowered Through Human Design Consulting

Happy & Empowered Through Human Design Consulting

Happy & Empowered Thru Human Design

Are you ready to take back control of your life? Are you ready to focus on what’s important and stop worrying about things that don’t matter?

On this week’s episode of Awake & On Purpose Podcast, Jennifer speaks with Melissa Kirk about Human Design and how it can empower you to be happy, confident, and even more productive.

They discuss leaving situations and relationships that don’t work, using Human Design as a guiding map, the importance of self-awareness, trauma, fears and self-sabotage, why we need external support, and so much more! Don’t miss today’s enlightening, empowering, wisdom-packed episode.

What I teach my clients is, figure out what you love and do that at least 80% of the time. Melissa Kirk Consulting offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep industry knowledge necessary to help you solve the most complex issues of your inner blueprint. Since opening our doors in 2008, we’re proud to say that each year we have a bigger list of returning and new clients.

People hire Melissa Kirk, to get results they have sought after, explore her out of the box ideas, use her expertise to find and align with their passion and purpose, shift their mindset to be empowered and create the lifestyle they desire.

She helps them find and purchase their dream home, attract the clients they want to work with, improve their relationships, systemize and grow their business, and improve their health. She helps them to get to the root of the issues going on in their lives and turn things around to match their dreams, goals and aspirations!

To learn more about how you can achieve a fulfilled life, live your purpose and make an impact as a mission-driven leader, schedule a discovery call now!

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