Holistic Business Consulting | For Modern Entrepreneurs

Holistic Business Consulting | For Modern Entrepreneurs

Holistic Business Consulting: An Approach for Modern Entrepreneurs

Holistic business consulting is integrating and operating outside the box – far outside! Of course, the concept of that now-cliched expression “thinking outside of the box” was formulated in the 1970s by a psychologist named J. P. Guilford.

He gained a bit of fame for coming up with what appeared to be an intellectual challenge: three rows of three dots each appear on a sheet of paper. You’re instructed to connect all nine dots using just four straight lines.

The solution turned out to have less to do with intelligence and more to do with an innate ability to see beyond the imaginary box “created” by the three rows of dots.

Holistic Business Consulting, Business Consulting, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneur

Only twenty percent of the people in Guilford’s studies were able to recognize that the solution to the puzzle came from drawing lines that extended outside that imaginary “box.” 20%!!! Hence the expression: Thinking outside the box.

Holistic business consulting employs techniques throughout the entire organization and its processes and policies, as opposed to focusing only on specific components

However, as Chuck Swoboda explains in his article “Why Thinking Outside the Box is the Wrong Way to Approach Innovation” (https://bit.ly/3F0e4RO), the problem arises from the assumption that there is any box at all. It is exactly that type of assumption–that imaginary limitations on creativity, innovation, success–actually exist, when in fact there is no earthly reason to believe that they do.

It is with that lack of boundaries on one’s opportunities that we discuss the concept of Holistic Business Consulting. A holistic business approach is a relatively new concept that is increasingly being accepted by the business world. To be a business that uses holistic techniques, it means that the entire organization is considered in its processes and policies, as opposed to focusing only on its specific components. By using the holistic approach to running a business, you will make certain that your business is running at its full potential, as opposed to simply having strong areas and weak areas. 

To begin, let’s stop thinking of a business (your business) as a lathering of different departments and hierarchies of leadership and begin conceiving of the business (again, your business) as an integrated whole, where the policies and procedures are not self-perpetuating albatrosses, but rather interlocking components that may or may not be fostering success. As the writer of Street Directory’s Business and Finance section opines, “Holistic approaches to business, such as the increasingly popular Six Sigma business strategy developed by Motorola, involve the consideration of the entire business situation instead of only a single time or portion of it.” (https://bit.ly/32ZHqlZ) Many contemporary business experts have expressed the view that this type of holistic approach is essential to a company’s success and long-term profitability.

We must begin to dig, ask the hard questions

One such practitioner of the holistic approach to business posits certain questions to what the client may consider a boggling quandary:

Are all of the tasks actually necessary? Is the amount of time taken reasonable? Does the owner need to perform all the tasks? Does the owner want to do them? Does the owner enjoy doing them? What externals might influence the owner in deciding to do (or not to do) the tasks, as opposed to the influences in deciding to have someone else do (or not do) those same tasks? (https://bit.ly/3sXhi6e). 

As you may begin to see from these examples, Holistic Business Consulting is all about helping the business owner (or other decision-makers) to contemplate the business as an interconnected whole, where every action taken by each individual potentially affects everyone and everything else in the business.

Think of your business as a human body. A problem in one part of the body can have horrible consequences for other parts.

You are walking along the sidewalk and step on a rusty nail that tears through your shoe and punctures the arch of your foot.

The oxidation on the nail causes a bacterial infection to begin in your foot, but because you did not get your Tetanus shot, you are now in the process of developing lockjaw from the gangrene traveling unchecked throughout your body and two weeks after stepping on that nail, which, it turns out, bounced out of a truck bed on its way to a construction site that you personally own, your oxygen-starved right arm is gangrenous and must be amputated in order to keep the infection from killing you.

Empowering and strengthening your brand

To push the nail metaphor to its ultimate conclusion, it behooves us to recall the unhorsing of King Richard III during the Battle of Bosworth Field back in 1485.

That incident, where the good King’s horse lost its footing, led to the prescient proverb of the late fifteenth century, one that yields wisdom even unto this day:

For the want of a nail the shoe was lost
For the want of a show the horse was lost
For the want of a horse the rider was lost
For the want of a rider the message was lost
For the want of a message the battle was lost
For the want of a battle the war was lost
For the want of a war the kingdom was lost.
And it was all for the want of a nail.

An holistic approach to thinking about your business has many advantages, not the least of which being that it allows you to see which areas of your company are failing or are weaker than others (https://bit.ly/3qU4wTo). 

But that is not all. Other benefits you should expect to gain from using the services of a Holistic Business Consultant include:

  • The empowerment of employees
  • Gaining fresh perspectives
  • Identifying challenges and finding solutions

Strengthening your brand. (https://indeedhi.re/3mUkk7c)

The undoubtedly most important aspect of holistic business consulting is implementation

The job site company Indeed discusses four ways to begin a holistic business strategy.

First, conduct research to discover the most efficient way to implement your holistic style.

Second, talk with your employees to discuss both short and long-term goals and even think about using some team-building exercises.

Third, use project management and team communication applications to ease the work flow and provide virtual connections.

And fourth, hire an holistic business consultant, someone who can offer unbiased viewpoints of your company, someone who, perhaps, does not see the organizational box the same way you do, someone who just maybe does not see the box at all. 

The company Swaay takes it a step further. They have looked at how a company can actually go about implementing this holistic approach. Here are some of the steps your Holistic Business Consultant will help you operationalize.

Step one: everyone in the company has to know what is going on, to the extent that each person should be able, in his or her own way, to articulate where the company is headed and why.

Step two: stop talking about how you have an open-door policy and actually implement one so that innovation and exceptionalism can thrive.

Step three: Empathy should be endemic to your business’ culture.

And step four: Be transparent. Drop the games and think of yourself for a moment as working in air traffic control at an airport–there are no secrets and everyone knows what everyone else knows–or else. 

In the final analysis, a strong consultation with an Holistic Business expert can set your feet moving in the right direction–and help you dodge the rusty nails while you learn to not have them bounce off the truck in the first place.

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How hand analysis and human design help us find ourselves

How hand analysis and human design help us find ourselves

Losing ourselves, scientific hand analysis and human design

Hand analysis is really me, you, and everyone else! Each hand has a personal blueprint at birth!

I was so ecited to appear on the Lead Your Day podcast, Episode #239 where we discussed losing ourselves and how to find ourselves and our purpose with hand analysis and human design! The podcast described it like this, “On today’s show I’m talking with Melissa Kirk. She is a personal empowerment coach for entrepreneurs, guiding business owners to their next level of success by getting to the root of what is holding them back.

Melissa gets people results – with her out-of-the-box ideas, and ability to help people find and align their passion and purpose, shift their mindsets and create the lifestyle they desire.”

To really gain awareness of what is possible, we need to start looking into the possibilities of what life could be and/or yield. Human Design is a tool whereby we can help us understand our bodies in terms of its purpose as well as focus on what it takes for us to live out our full potential.

This knowledge can be very valuable as it takes away any unconscious blame or victimhood from things not going right for ourselves and others. Nothing happens in this reality without some sort of catalyst first!

The art of hand analysis is an ancient one, the first recorded practitioners were in China. According to the ancient Chinese sages we each possess within us two sides or components – Yin and Yang. Each half contains distinctive functions so you can feel comfortable that you’re unique gifts are being expressed through both hands.

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Happy & Empowered Through Human Design Consulting

Happy & Empowered Through Human Design Consulting

Happy & Empowered Thru Human Design

Are you ready to take back control of your life? Are you ready to focus on what’s important and stop worrying about things that don’t matter?

On this week’s episode of Awake & On Purpose Podcast, Jennifer speaks with Melissa Kirk about Human Design and how it can empower you to be happy, confident, and even more productive.

They discuss leaving situations and relationships that don’t work, using Human Design as a guiding map, the importance of self-awareness, trauma, fears and self-sabotage, why we need external support, and so much more! Don’t miss today’s enlightening, empowering, wisdom-packed episode.

What I teach my clients is, figure out what you love and do that at least 80% of the time. Melissa Kirk Consulting offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep industry knowledge necessary to help you solve the most complex issues of your inner blueprint. Since opening our doors in 2008, we’re proud to say that each year we have a bigger list of returning and new clients.

People hire Melissa Kirk, to get results they have sought after, explore her out of the box ideas, use her expertise to find and align with their passion and purpose, shift their mindset to be empowered and create the lifestyle they desire.

She helps them find and purchase their dream home, attract the clients they want to work with, improve their relationships, systemize and grow their business, and improve their health. She helps them to get to the root of the issues going on in their lives and turn things around to match their dreams, goals and aspirations!

To learn more about how you can achieve a fulfilled life, live your purpose and make an impact as a mission-driven leader, schedule a discovery call now!

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Holistic Business Consultant? Why I Should Be Yours!

Holistic Business Consultant? Why I Should Be Yours!

Why I’m Your Business Consultant

About Human Design, Human Design, body graph

As an experienced business consultant, I understand creating a successful business does not happen overnight. A good plan is maybe the most important part of it all and everyone needs one no matter how small or large your business is…

Any business consultant worth their salt, will tell you success is a journey, not an event and you will have more failures than successes. The key to making sure you keep going up that ladder of success even after the first step, is building systems and hiring team members who share your vision.

Businesses physically exhaust themselves from running around in circles to stay afloat. What businesses need is a guide that rocks their mindset and gets them back on track with what’s important! My services take the business owner through nonstop processes until we reach an agreement on where the company wants to head by eliminating all distractions, and then applying a new holistic plan of action.

Planning is an essential element of a successful business. The owner is often on auto pilot and not aware of the dynamics keeping their company from reaching the heights it could achieve and in fact oftentimes serving as the worst bottleneck in the business.

If your business is going through a rough patch and needs to find ways to succeed, you should be looking for and vetting some help in the form of professional consultation, coaching, training or mentoring. Another scenario that calls out for outside help is when you want to grow your brand in the competitive arena and make significant progress faster than is possible on your own. These are two of my specialties, I have also had success with those who’ve plateaued and need a shake up!

Our Economy is in a crisis of monumental proportions and the business world has no choice but to crash or face extinction. This is why it’s time for businesses owners to start learning about how value creation fits into their strategic plan if they are going to survive this recession. A good business consultant helps create the vision and strategy for achieving this vision. Success requires a more than just staying focused!

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Why I Became a Lifestyle Consultant & Coach

Why I Became a Lifestyle Consultant & Coach

Why I Became a Lifestyle Consultant

About Human Design, Human Design, body graph

At some point we all get stuck in a rut! No matter the reasons, this lifestyle consultant is about, movement, change-bodies in motion, stay in motion!

I am excited to meet you, I am lifestyle consultant and purpose coach, Melissa Kirk and I help clients improve different aspects of their lives; purpose, business, relationships, fitness and nutrition. You might have wanted to reach your goals for the past two or more years but it still feels like you’re miles away.

Perhaps, there is a genuine reason why you haven’t been able to achieve what you desire yet but maybe it was your approach towards achieving those goals, ever thought of that?

As a lifestyle consultant it is my mission to help people figure out how to improve their life. I look for the connections between what we do and how it affects us and the world around us. I get that not everyone has time or mental energy to hit all of these areas at once so my expertise helps clients understand which areas they can start with first.

We live in a world of fast-forward. People want it all instantly, with no work or thought involved. But if you’re looking for real results, that “instant” mentality won’t cut it.

Change is hard; success has to be earned and measured one step at a time. And I will help you create your mindset to achieve a life that doesn’t cease, but grows positively every day!

I’ve been told that I’m a natural problem solver, it’s only in the last couple of years that I realized this is because I like people; something about hearing their stories and seeing their potential to create something even better out of the current chaos they’re facing has allowed me to seamlessly guide huge transformations in people’s lives, businesses, relationships and most importantly, themselves.

I help busy, career-minded adults who feel stuck to gain the confidence and courage to ask for what they want in life. You deserve to live a creative, successful, joyful lifestyle that is uniquely yours! Can you imagine feeling happy because of the way your life is right this moment? I can help you get there!

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Social media is where I give, give, give to you! Let’s connect, ask your questions, inspire our conversations and join other warrior goddesses in training, who are ready to go hard for their success!

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Why I’m Your Health Consultant & Coach

Why I’m Your Health Consultant & Coach

Why I’m Your Health Consultant & Coach

About Human Design, Human Design, body graph

As a certified health consultant, I spend my days helping people get their health back and become fit, energetic and as pain free as possible. (Sometimes I think I’m all about getting rid of the aches!)

As a confident natural health consultant, the gaining popularity year after year of natural health has given me the opportunity to work from home, enjoy a flexible schedule, and most importantly personal fulfillment through helping others with their utmost well-being needs.

How to choose a natural health consultant? This question is often asked by those who want to get help for specific difficulties. Many specialize in different areas, so it’s useful to know what type of service you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for weight loss tips then a nutritionist or acupuncturist, or someone trained in nutritional medicine may be the better choice than a holistic natural health consultant and coach, like myself.

There are a number of health conditions that might require consultation with an experienced natural health and nutrition specialist to determine the best course of treatment.

From sleep apnea, myositis to fibromyalgia, each condition is as unique as its individual sufferer. There are times when you need someone to reassure you and guide your next step in the right direction. Whether this be due to recent news in your life that has driven you into confusion, or just personally feeling we aren’t really getting on top of our health.

As a certified professional, I help my clients to concretely choose the best natural therapeutic supplements, natural treatments and options, and herbal teas. Since these alternatives often carry fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals, they are an excellent aid in caring for your health.

As an expert of natural health I possesses knowledge and training to assist individuals in choosing, using, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through the use of services such as herbalism, nutrition and other methods which do not involve drugs or surgery.

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