The Human Design System is Worth Exploring

The Human Design System is Worth Exploring

Exploring the Human Design System

Holistic Trauma Healing Podcast Ep.#46

Your human design system is about discovering your purpose. learning and creating authentic relationships, and gaining clarity about your inner blueprint for success!

Human Design, Purpose, Mindset coach

In this episode, human design system expert Melissa Kirk and I discuss the following fascinating facts…

  • how our purpose and blueprint for our lives is often over-shadowed by our social and/or familial conditioning
  • the origin of the Human Design System(HD)
  • all about the BodyGraph: gates, defined and undefined emotional centers
  • the difference between Human Design and astrology and also the connection between HD and astrology
  • we share our observations on the powerful energy shifts of 2021
  • we talk about the 5 Human Design types (with an emphasis on Projectors)
  • why HD is different than personality types such as DISC or Enneagram
  • living out of alignment with our HD type can manifest physical health issues
  • how HD can guide us in living in alignment with our purpose and gain clarity on what we want/need and connect HD with holistic trauma healing
  • how you can learn more and even become an expert yourself

As a Human Design System™ Coach, I share tools and processes to help people throughout their life experience shifts in all aspects of their lives; relationships, self care, business and entrepreneurship. The Human Design System is a series of tools for clearing and conditioning your energy blueprint.

Human Design is a science based, design based approach to creating a life of fulfilment and success. It shows you how we are all programmed at birth to achieve greatness but most people never access the gifts within themselves because they do not understand their Deep Design or have been misinformed about the meaning of purpose in their life.

According to Dr. Leonard the Human Design System is based on the reality that all human beings engage with each other using a complex system of elements and principles in order to function expressively, cooperatively, sexually and make effective choices about fulfilling our unique life purpose. According to Craig Childre, one of Dr. Lenard’s students “We live inside an invisible pattern we have yet learned how recognize or utilize properly”

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Thetahealing®, Let’s Talk About It!

Thetahealing®, Let’s Talk About It!

A Video About Thetahealing®

About Human Design, Human Design, body graph

Thetahealing® is a complementary alternative medicine technique that aims to clear the subconscious mind patterns which can affect physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Thetahealing® operates on the understanding that the thoughts, beliefs and emotions we experience create our reality. The ancient healing modality known as thetahealing® combines advanced hypnotherapy with elements of spiritual wisdom to reunite you with your limitless potential.

A lot of disease can be healed at the cellular level if our subconscious beliefs are different.

Most people are not aware of the subconscious mind and its ability to create new beliefs that can manifest into one’s environment. This video brings awareness about the human body energies and it’s abilities to heal itself with resourcementary healing modalities like Theta Healing, uncovering why we have illness, disease and how we can naturally alleviate them without medication or surgery.

In the Theta state we gain access to our inner wisdom, and find answers to questions that were once impossible to express. As such understanding begins at a subconscious level, it allows us to clarify difficult situations or emotions in life, like fear and confusion, by guiding awareness beyond conscious levels exploring new means of thought, perception and action!

We will us thetahealing® to unlock how the subconscious mind works to create our reality using terms such as “the law of attraction” and how that can be applied to attract more success in relationships, work and life.

Theta Healing is a powerful form of self healing that can change your life dramatically . It can be used for anything in the physical plane, from healings to just cleansing yourself and staying balanced. The human body is a self-healing organism. With ThetaHealing we access our intuition and remove any negative energies hindering us.

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Busy Market | Cracking the Code with a Rockstar

Busy Market | Cracking the Code with a Rockstar

Cracking the Code on a Busy Market

About Human Design, Human Design, body graph

Are you a San Francisco bay area based seller looking to compete in the highly competitive market? Find yourself dealing with multiple offers and not sure what your next move is or should be?

As a Realtor®, I am a Licensed Professional Negotiator and can guide you through each step of this process to help make it clear, concise and easy. l am a rockstar realtor® who has been providing San Francisco and Bay Area residents with amazing insight into emerging trends in the housing market.

I have also contributed to the Happy-Inspired-Motivated Podcast discussing my insights and expert advice on many topics including human design, coaching and real estate. I assist developers in finding investment property, Millennials looking for their first home, as well as providing my clients with negotiating tips, updates on the local marketplace conditions plus much more!

If the current San Francisco bay area and east bay markets continue to grow as projected, inventory in the city and the highly desired suburbs of the east bay and beyond are expected to fall 10% below levels considered normal over the next year. For sellers it means heightened competition, which will force prices higher.

At the same time, fewer homes on today’s market lowers opportunities for buyers and prompts them to price their offers accordingly. How do you become an exceptional real estate negotiator? Does it come from years of experience, or is there a more certain path to achieve success in this business area?

I am a Realtor® in the East Bay & Delta Areas of the San Francisco, California Bay Area, and assist people all over the world to discover and purchase their dream homes, investment property or land. My passion for helping others find the right house, get multiple offers when selling or for creating wealth by investing is how I became a master negotiator, which has in turn given me the confidence to close huge coaching contracts!

Chances are, you want to work with a certified licensed Realtor® who can be your advocate and keep a watchful eye on what’s happening in the marketplace of your specific bay area neighborhood, and this is a specialty of Mine!

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Social media is where I give, give, give to you! Let’s connect, ask your questions, inspire our conversations and join other warrior goddesses in training, who are ready to go hard for their success!

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About Scientific Hand Analysis

About Scientific Hand Analysis

A Video About Scientific Hand Analysis

About Human Design, Human Design, body graph

Scientific hand analysis uses our hand’s reveal a lot about our personality, character, and attitude.

Scientific hand analysis understands we use our hands to communicate, to build things with others or just by ourselves; but most of all they serve as the basis for more than 600 professions according to statistics.

Science has led us to greater understanding of how the universe works. Science is also leading us toward greater understanding of why we are here, who we really are and what our purpose in life might be. It’s no secret that this quest for knowledge has been a theme throughout history—and with my approach to your success scientific hand analysis, is central to your soul journey now!

Hand analysis is an amazing way of getting to know yourself and your goals, secrets and motivations. Discover the hidden potential you didn’t know you had! In this video we’ll discuss what scientific hand analysis is, how it works and how it works in practice.

Discover yourself, truly and deeply which will help you understand others.

After seeing the effects of Scientific Hand Analysis in my life and that of many friends, I decided to dedicate myself to the practice. While becoming certified in scientific hand analysis, I studied information about what hand analysis is, why it matters, the history of hand analysis, as well as how it works and how science confirms it’s work, and finally and most importantly how it assists me in understanding your purpose.

Scientific Hand Analysis allows me to discover your character. It helps to understand who you are, what you were born with and how life puzzles, also known as challenges, will be presented to you in both your family life, business success and love relationships if properly understood and leveraged.

The secret to a happy and successful life is understanding yourself. All great people in history possess a unique quality which makes them truly stand out from the crowd – their passions!

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About Human Design

About Human Design

A Video About Human Design

About Human Design, Human Design, body graph

The human design system enable individuals to understand themselves, others and their world from a new perspective—it helps steer humanity toward more conscious levels of behavior.

Are you tired of living an unexamined life? If so, let me ask…what if who you really are isn’t what you thought it was; what if nearly everything that’s been told to be true isn’t and the real truth actually sets us completely free. (Did I throw in a healthy dose of sarcasm with this question)? The fact is human design looks at some common assumptions about humankind and turns them upside down!

In India, there is a powerful principle of “human design”. It’s one of the most ancient and fascinating studies on how the human species are evolving at this point in time. The theory behind it may actually disturb you if you think too deeply about it – but understanding what exactly we’re doing here might just make your life much easier.

With our continued evolution, the most recent expansion being 12.21.12 (the end date of the Galactic Calendar aka Sunaik Hindu), people are asking: What is my purpose in life? And every 50 years we enter a new age which signifies that it’s time to adopt a new way of life, so what will be required for survival this time around?

As an expansion tool, the Human Design system provides exceptional knowledge. It connects to every area of your life and shows you how what’s happening in the world affects you personally—and vice versa. That is why I was drawn to it.

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