5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Human Design

While this first point is not technically on the list of five things you probably did not know about human design, I thought we would throw in a bonus: What is Human Design, anyway?

To answer that question, we asked the people at Holo Human Design, a fine group of holistic advisors. Here is what they said:

Human Design is a system that synthesizes essential elements of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra systems as they apply to us today, with current scientific knowledge in the fields of Physics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. Using the time of our birth, Human Design is able to define the forces that influence our bodies and personalities, helping us to understand the cycles, characteristics and themes that make us who we are. (https://bit.ly/3G0rrCL)

Human Design, Human Design system, bodygraph, body graph

Human Design is a tremendous amount of information regarding enormous sections of life with numerous details to be sifted, sorted and interpreted

#1 Despite all the endless insights and takeaways, the Human Design concept sure does seem like a lot of information.

That is a legitimate observation, of course. But then again, the Human Design document we like–https://bit.ly/3HJmQW5– is nineteen pages of wildly practical and useful insights and illuminations and you can read it in less time than it takes a friend of yours to reach the first level of The Legend of Zelda. Karen Curry’s article, “An Introduction to The Parts of The Human Design Chart” is bursting at the seams with profound, revealing and unique ways to help human beings. This Body Graph, as Karen calls it, represents the sum of all human possibilities and energies. 

#2 But this is not just spiritual or astrological. It’s scientific!

That is quite true. One way to think of Human Design is as an amalgamation of the most important thinking available about the construct that is the Human Being. Human Design, or HD,  is a system that synthesizes essential elements of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra systems as they apply to us today, with current scientific knowledge in the fields of Physics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. It also relies heavily on the physics of neutrinos, streams of tiny particles that the sun and stars emit into space and which flow through our atmosphere and bodies at a pace of trillions per second. 

A useful amalgam of science with the spiritual yields an exciting and essential conception of the Bodygraph itself, a map of sorts, one that gives us information about how the body and mind function together, how we experience energy, emotion, awareness, identity, ego, instinct, intuition and the mind. (https://bit.ly/3t4MSyK) If you have not already guessed, Human Design offers an opportunity to accept and surrender to what is unchangeable and unbroken in us, so that we come to love, trust and rely on ourselves.

#3 This isn’t real, This is pseudoscience! Nope!

Oh, I see. I’m not here to be defensive. Different strokes. But I would ask you to draw from your knowledge of history and remember that the ideas we scoff at or ridicule or dismiss today are sometimes the common sense of tomorrow. And often this alteration in understanding comes at a horrible expense. Galileo was charged with publishing a treatise on his observation that the earth revolves around the sun. In 1633, the Inquisition banned his writings and Galileo spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.  Specifically, he was charged with heresy by the Holy Inquisition in Rome.

Andreas Vesalius was a distinguished medical scholar, a great anatomist and founder of modern medical science. He was a Renaissance figure in the 16th century scientific revolution. Vesalius applied empirical methods while dissecting cadavers in the study of the human body.  His revolutionary book, De Humani Corporis Fabrica, established anatomy as a scientific discipline. Nevertheless, his fame as an anatomist became greater with each passing year. Eventually he was appointed a court physician in Spain. By dissecting the body of a Spanish nobleman who died in his care, Vesalius found, when he opened the man’s chest, that the heart was still beating. Yes!

Vesalius was accused of murder and like Galileo, was brought before the Inquisition. Fortunately, the king of Spain commuted his death sentence to a pilgrimage of penitence in the Holy Land.

Decades have passed since Stanley Prusiner first proposed that a protein could be the sole component of the agent responsible for such diseases. It took that long for his heretical hypothesis to be fully accepted by the scientific community.

Naysayers  had argued that definitive proof could not be achieved until infectious material is produced from pure prion protein. Such skeptics constitute today’s brand of persecution.  Prusiner won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1997.

This little medical history lesson suggests that what we rebuke today may become accepted wisdom tomorrow. So perhaps we ought not to judge too hastily.

#4 Human Design is frivolous and nothing important can be found this way, WRONG!

All the same, what we have found is that the BodyGraph can reveal:

  • How our gifts and innate abilities are organically expressed
  • How we can be both wise and vulnerable in relation to the influences around us: societal, interpersonal and planetary
  • Who is attractive to us and why
  • The ways in which we are fixed and consistent, what we can trust in ourselves
  • Where we are open to conditioning and coping strategies that lead to confusion, inner conflict, frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment
  • Which characteristics are conscious and rooted in personality and which are unconscious or rooted in the body
  • How to make decisions using a personal navigation system
  • What role and purpose we are here to express

That seems fairly substantial.

Did you know you can incorporate human design into your health, your lifestyle, your business. . . human design can assist in nearly all facets of your life

#5 – There is a lot of information about Human Design available elsewhere. Why would I need someone to read it for me?

Actually, you are partly correct: a lot of information does exist on this subject. But there is value in having a coach work with you on this exploration. A Holistic Health Coach is a trained professional who uses an integrative approach to diet and lifestyle changes to improve their client’s health. Working as a guide toward an overall healthier life, they will look at their clients’ nutrition patterns, relationships, physical fitness, spirituality, and more. And this approach quite often includes culling through the dross and getting through to your specific needs. If this process includes working with Human Design, so much the better.


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